I mean the may 2019 Watchtower.
Posts by benny
But it's not about the Money
by LevelThePlayingField inmoney was the motivator.. .
again, money was the motivator.. .
But it's not about the Money
by LevelThePlayingField inmoney was the motivator.. .
again, money was the motivator.. .
I attended the meeting yesterday and the famous 2015 Watchtower on child abuse, the last article was studied. "How to improve your study habits "
There is a blatant lie in paragraph 4 where they say literature has been cut back including printed and digital format in order to give the publishers less material to study to make it easier on them when we know its all about lack of funds!
There's NOTHING worse than..........
by The Fall Guy in.........what?
we've all said this about something, but what do you really think there's "nothing worse than?".
i think there's nothing worse than trying to hold in uncontrollable laughter in a totally inappropriate situation.
Being told the watch tower is spirit directed yet doctrine keeps changing or like the other night when an elder thanked God for the Watchtower in his concluding prayer.
Tonights mid week meeting study 7 " Accurate and convincing"
by benny inthe video at he mid week meeting tonight shows a video on how teaching must be based on hard researched fact and that we are encouraged to look at watchtower literature to get up to speed on a subject.. here is the link to it https://www.jw.org/en/publications/videos/reading-teaching-videos/accurate-and-convincing-video/.
i find this quite disturbing when you look at the feb 2017 watchtower which explains the governing body errs in their understanding of subjects yet they claim to be god's channel of communication to his people.. what are the thoughts on this?.
i know there are other topics on new light etc...
This the link to the Watchtower about the Gov Body.
Tonights mid week meeting study 7 " Accurate and convincing"
by benny inthe video at he mid week meeting tonight shows a video on how teaching must be based on hard researched fact and that we are encouraged to look at watchtower literature to get up to speed on a subject.. here is the link to it https://www.jw.org/en/publications/videos/reading-teaching-videos/accurate-and-convincing-video/.
i find this quite disturbing when you look at the feb 2017 watchtower which explains the governing body errs in their understanding of subjects yet they claim to be god's channel of communication to his people.. what are the thoughts on this?.
i know there are other topics on new light etc...
The video at he mid week meeting tonight shows a video on how teaching must be based on hard researched fact and that we are encouraged to look at watchtower literature to get up to speed on a subject.
Here is the link to it https://www.jw.org/en/publications/videos/reading-teaching-videos/accurate-and-convincing-video/
I find this quite disturbing when you look at the Feb 2017 Watchtower which explains the governing body errs in their understanding of subjects yet they claim to be God's channel of communication to his people.
What are the thoughts on this?. I know there are other topics on new light etc..
Did anybody call 'child services'? 🤔😏
by Nathan R. Koppe innow, jw's and children if you don't do what jehovah (organisation) says, this is what will happen to you..... did anybody call 'child services'?
Have a look at the you tube vid with Jeffrey Jackson, GB member, answering questions on child abuse policies and corporal punishment to Australian Royal comission.. It has been out for quite a while in case you hav 'nt seen it.
607 date of Jerusalems destruction
by benny ini am confused about the time scale regarding the year of the destruction of jerusalem.
in the 1st october 2011 watchtower an argument is presented to back up 607 bc but there are so many conflicting arguments that this happened 20 years later according to secular sources.
your thoughts please..
Thank you this is most helpful.
Subliminal Messaging
by truthlover123 infor over 20 years subliminal pictures showed up in most books, wt, and awakes- eighties, nineties and into 2000's.... demons, gods, you name it-- .
question: is anyone seeing anything like this in todays publications?
607 date of Jerusalems destruction
by benny ini am confused about the time scale regarding the year of the destruction of jerusalem.
in the 1st october 2011 watchtower an argument is presented to back up 607 bc but there are so many conflicting arguments that this happened 20 years later according to secular sources.
your thoughts please..
I am confused about the time scale regarding the year of the destruction of Jerusalem. In the 1st October 2011 watchtower an argument is presented to back up 607 BC but there are so many conflicting arguments that this happened 20 years later according to secular sources. Your thoughts please.
Subliminal Messaging
by truthlover123 infor over 20 years subliminal pictures showed up in most books, wt, and awakes- eighties, nineties and into 2000's.... demons, gods, you name it-- .
question: is anyone seeing anything like this in todays publications?
I have seen loads more. I think some on the net are controversial. One has to ask why they are there? Whats their use?. I think the one I have posted is irrefutable.