Dear Andi Bosi,
I can appreciate what your saying but one thing is to not lose faith in the fundamentals of what you have learned. Human imperfection has a way of muddying things up as far as the ultimate goal of life in God's new order of things.
it's true!
many of you here who scoff at the battle of armaggedon being a reality are in for a big surprise.
it will be a fear inspiring day in which there will only be one side that will survive.
Dear Andi Bosi,
I can appreciate what your saying but one thing is to not lose faith in the fundamentals of what you have learned. Human imperfection has a way of muddying things up as far as the ultimate goal of life in God's new order of things.
it's true!
many of you here who scoff at the battle of armaggedon being a reality are in for a big surprise.
it will be a fear inspiring day in which there will only be one side that will survive.
Dear englishmen,
Do you still believe the earth is flat and you will fall off if you come at the end of the earth?
it's true!
many of you here who scoff at the battle of armaggedon being a reality are in for a big surprise.
it will be a fear inspiring day in which there will only be one side that will survive.
Dear ianao,
God being all knowing didn't create evil. We are all responsible for our actions. This is what is lacking, everybody seems to want to blame everybody else for their own faults and choices.
The devil created himself, he has nobody to blame but himself for his choices.
You have to keep in mind that at the beginning of genesis it also mentions that righteous angels kept faithful to God so they kepted their proper position and didn't abuse their free will.
Let me put you in this position if you have children or planning to have some. How much free will are you willing to give your children
so that they become responsible members of society?
Remember free choice is very relative in raising children as to the type of persons they will become as an adult.
it's true!
many of you here who scoff at the battle of armaggedon being a reality are in for a big surprise.
it will be a fear inspiring day in which there will only be one side that will survive.
Where did you get your evil qualities? Some of the stuff you do that would be classified as evil. Would your parents approve? Did your parents teach you that stealing is ok or that murder is ok. Do your parents approve children out of wedlock or have they thought you abortion is ok?ect...ect...
It's called free choice that God gave to every individual, some abuse it, others use it responsibly.
Tell me happytobefree if you were restricted in having free choice and let's say for example that everytime you smoked(not to say that you do) somebody was to go up to you and pull that cigarette out of your mouth because it's bad for you, how would you feel?
Jehovah God's wisdom is far superior then any human being and why He has let wickedness on the earth for so long is His business. It's not always going to be like this, the days are numbered as far as this system of things are concerned.
now we all know for you who have attended meetings at the kingdom hall and heard speakers from the platform give us bible verses and telling us that the ruler of this world is the devil of which i firmly believe due to the fact that this world is completely warped.. .
doesn't it strike you funny to see that satan who makes the rules for his system can't keep them and tries to manipulate rules and regulations always in his favor and that of his seed.. .
#1 example- did you know that according to the bible that satan's agents keep transforming themselves into agents of light.
Now we all know for you who have attended meetings at the kingdom hall and heard speakers from the platform give us Bible verses and telling us that the ruler of this world is the devil of which I firmly believe due to the fact that this world is completely warped.
Doesn't it strike you funny to see that satan who makes the rules for his system can't keep them and tries to manipulate rules and regulations always in his favor and that of his seed.
#1 example- Did you know that according to the Bible that satan's agents keep transforming themselves into agents of light. Some of the most hideous mass murders, some of the worst tortures and oppression have come from the agents of darkness and their human counterparts. Straight from the kgb prisons of the soviets to forms and abuses of the dark deep secret men and women of present day governments.
Governments who routinely make laws also routinely break them, all in the name of lust for power accomplishing their father satan's will in controlling people. Isn't it ironic when you see the government worry about a few organized criminals when they are the biggest criminals themselves in extorting money from it's own people.
Always remember this," The greater the intelligence the greater the capability for good or evil! "
it's true!
many of you here who scoff at the battle of armaggedon being a reality are in for a big surprise.
it will be a fear inspiring day in which there will only be one side that will survive.
Dear waiting,
I hope everything is fine with you, and yes nobody knows the day or the hour, as for me sameold sameold as they say, just trying to keep away from the cold and staying warm. Thanks for your warmth waiting.
it's true!
many of you here who scoff at the battle of armaggedon being a reality are in for a big surprise.
it will be a fear inspiring day in which there will only be one side that will survive.
One thing to keep in mind Jehovah God did not create the mess mankind is in, the devil did. And yes you are correct in saying that man with all his mass weaponery can do the job of destroying a good portion of mankind.
Trevor it's your god the devil who is the egocentric maniac, think of how many times on this earth innocent people have been slaughtered in wars and think about all the bloodshed spilled against worshippers of Jehovah thru the ages since the beginning of man.
If you figure it out correctly satan the devil will have killed more people in total compared to what will take place at the battle of Armaggedon.
If it comforts you any trevor, Jehovah has promised a ressurection in His new order of things, many from the past will come back to life again.
The Bible plainly states who the ruler of this world is at present and it is satan the devil. The time is getting shorter and shorter for him.
it's true!
many of you here who scoff at the battle of armaggedon being a reality are in for a big surprise.
it will be a fear inspiring day in which there will only be one side that will survive.
It's true! Many of you here who scoff at the battle of Armaggedon being a reality are in for a big surprise. It will be a fear inspiring day in which there will only be one side that will survive. Those who worship the True God Jehovah and whoever else Jehovah has mercy on, will be the ones to survive the destruction.
The writing is on the wall, we are living in the last days of this wicked system of things, satan knows he has a short period of time before he is put away. For all who love righteousness now is the time to put up a hard fight for the faith.
The world empire of false religion along with the unrighteous wicked people of this wicked system of things will see God's wrath. Much blood has been spilled on the earth because of the wickedness of the devil and his seed and there is an accounting before God for all this wickedness.
The devil's rulership has failed mankind in every way, it must be given it's DEATH BLOW!
Under the rule of God' Kingdom finally an end to oppression for the oppressed, there will be no more tears or any crying, mankind will have the opportunity to demonstrate love for righteousness and enjoy
the benefits that will be applied under the thousand year reign.
So rejoice lift up your heads because your deliverance is getting near!
prisca's comments about wol made me wonder about official wts sanctioned spies and moles.
we all know for a fact that to the wts lies are ok, and spying does happen.
does anyone know of officially appointed wts spies, or do hard-core militant and/or plain old sneaky jw's just feel it is their duty?
Not only do I give you too much credit but I stand by my words.
prisca's comments about wol made me wonder about official wts sanctioned spies and moles.
we all know for a fact that to the wts lies are ok, and spying does happen.
does anyone know of officially appointed wts spies, or do hard-core militant and/or plain old sneaky jw's just feel it is their duty?
Hey tr!
You should know about spies because your one of them.
No question in my mind why your asking this question and why claudia joins in. You probably spied on the org. for many years before you got your certificate so why ask the people here what they think of spies.