Besides being exactly what everyone else said it is, I find shunning to be so...childish. This is what children do. If they do not get their way or exactly what they want, they throw a tantrum. They may give the silent treatment. I can't believe how I didn't realize before how absolutely childish and immature it is. You cannot simply handle disagreements or "wrongdoing" like an adult. You have to do this cruel, inhuman, immature, abusive equivalent to modern day stoning because that's how you want to deal with things. You have to stop talking to someone until you get them to do what you want. It's like throwing a goddamned tantrum.
Besides, as I mentioned, they shun because they can't stone. I have a disfellowshipped family member, and the excuse I got for shunning them is that "If we were in Bible times, he would have been stoned." Cool. I'm so glad Satan's system decided to do away with this barbaric practice (for the most part). I'm so glad that we have an alternative to stoning because it's against the law to kill someone for their sin now. Great.