so what are the elders likely to do if you decline their offer ?
I'm not actually sure what will happen.
Why rock the boat unnecessarily. Hide the new blood card and make an "I accept blood card" for your wallet with blood type etc. and signature.
I'm just worried that in an emergency they will have this on file and will come to speak for me and deny me blood. Would an "I accept blood" card be legally binding over the PoA? I was thinking of making a post-dated document that stated the following:
"I, Pometerre21, being of sound mind and judgment on this day March 3, 2018, do hereby declare any previous medical Power of Attorney documents to be null and void. In the event that I require a life-saving medical treatment involving the use of whole blood or its parts, I will accept. Please disregard any documents of power of attorney before this date."
And then keeping something of the above in my wallet in lieu of my death warrant blood card. Would I have to get someone to witness me signing the above?