Scary, isn't it? When I expressed doubt to my mom and showed her some articles about JW child abuse, I suspect she actually read some "apostate" material, because one night she just broke down and said that she didn't understand the overlapping generation teaching and didn't care that the GB were neither inspired nor infallible, but "What else is there, Pometerre? What else is there?"
They'll fall back on what Lloyd Evans calls the box-ticking exercise, where they talk about how there's no organization on earth that displays the love and unity that JWs do and there's no other way to live the best life than with the organization. There's of course the excuse that it's an imperfect organization run by imperfect men, and if we fall for it, it's our fault for expecting more out of them than what's reasonable. It's headbanging logic really. Sometimes I feel suicidal listening to these circular reasonings because I know that it makes sense to them, and only them, and that there's no hope of them waking up.
1914 and that generation came and went, but JWs literally do not care. The carrot of seeing your dead loved ones again and that sickness and death will miraculously disappear once Jehovah murders everyone else is too delicious for them to give up. JWs have an addiction to their organization. There's no other way for me to put it.