Good to hear from you again! Hapoy new year! I might be in the minority here with this, but my sons are almost two years younger than yourself, and it would break my heart if I thought they were planning to leave me (actually I think it will probably take one of your earthquakes to shift them LoL).
So....is there any chance that in a year or so you could have THAT conversation with your mum? Explain (assuming youre not baptised)you dont want to continue attending meetings dont brlieve in God and make a pact not to discuss "spiritual"things with each other in order to maintain your relationship ? Any chance at all?
I just hate the idea of that religion depriving another family group of each other!!!
Only you know whether its worth the risk. After all, you could say, if shes right she doesnt have much time left with you, so surely she should make the most of it, rather than being estranged from you?!!
By the way, im extremely imoressed with your geography knowledge!I have to nag my sons to do their homework and regularly test them on various subjects, including geography, which is fascinating.
One thing JWs do for their awake kids , ironically, is give them a real appreciation of education, which my kids take for granted!
I have had a conversation like that It went ok but it ended with her still wanting me to at least listen to what watchtower says