Come on, you know that it's not true that a molester would be moved to a different congregation. If JWs handle one thing right it's the judicial process. No one is exempt. Even if someone tries to "run-away" from facing a judicial committee and moves to a different congregation, the original will contact the new congregation and inform them of what's going on. If you've ever changed congregations, you know that this information is detailed on who you are and what kind of Witness to where in the original congregation.
It's difficult for me to comment on your particular case. It does seem odd, but you must be leaving out some important details about the case. What did the elders tell the Legal Department? Why would the Legal Department tell them to drop it? Was there enough proof? What was the elders reasoning behind the decision? Many questions are unanswered. Since you are so close to the case, it's hard to comment on a one-sided story.
I agree with you and I'm not saying everything is perfect with the way elders hanlded some cases. I know they misjudge and make grave errors. The Society will most of the time go by what the local elders are doing and saying about the case. I'm sorry you were treated that way. I do believe these elders will have to answer to Jehovah in the end. I really don't want to be in their shoes. At the same time, I know very well that someone is capable of lieing, specially if they are pissed off at the Organization.
If you have asked question to me and I have not answered, I'm sorry. I have not noticed any direct questions. Again in your post, you state your opnion but there is no question directed at me. So I read your opinion and then leave it at that.
avishai & Nathan:
Mary, I'm from the same planet as you. Obviously you like to exxagerate for impact. You say: "What planet are YOU from? These pedophiles are never DF'd, that's the whole problem".
That's not a true statement. You're going to tell me that not one pedophile has ever been disfellowshipped? I know for a fact that this is false as I have seen first-hand not only that a pedophile was disfellowshipped, but also turned into the police.
The reason the Society did not provide examples of these cases is because this is confidential and within the congregations. It's not for the whole world to know about . They don't need the approval of the world nor the media.