But isn't in the case that they feel they need God because they think that God promises them hope for something—whether it be paradise or better future?
JoinedPosts by Saename
God is Real in Principle
by looter innow the majority of people nowadays do no go by the hope of old times.
now the reason for this is important and goes beyond mere words.
our culture sees ethics especially national or civil politics as the rules and standards by which we guide ourselves.
God is Real in Principle
by looter innow the majority of people nowadays do no go by the hope of old times.
now the reason for this is important and goes beyond mere words.
our culture sees ethics especially national or civil politics as the rules and standards by which we guide ourselves.
looter - What I was trying to say was that "judging morality and ethics by consequences" was just another side of the same coin.
But if judging morality and ethics by consequences is what believers do as well (I assume that is what you mean by "another side of the same coin") to come to the conclusion of what is good, then you don't need God, do you?
looter - Everything's a learning process.
Indeed. We need to learn. And learn. And learn.
God is Real in Principle
by looter innow the majority of people nowadays do no go by the hope of old times.
now the reason for this is important and goes beyond mere words.
our culture sees ethics especially national or civil politics as the rules and standards by which we guide ourselves.
By the way, I think you may have to understand that being knowledgeable does not mean that you have to use big words. This is what I've been taught by English teachers all my life. If you're knowledgeable and wise, then you will actually avoid big words to ensure that the meaning of the message is not lost in the readers' minds.
God is Real in Principle
by looter innow the majority of people nowadays do no go by the hope of old times.
now the reason for this is important and goes beyond mere words.
our culture sees ethics especially national or civil politics as the rules and standards by which we guide ourselves.
looter, I reread that post, and yes, I misunderstood you. By the way, that "someone" was not "inherently conveying that you cannot be a high-minded individual with an ideology in a supreme being." That "someone" was simply saying that if you don't believe in god, then you are left with judging morality and ethics by consequences. He wasn't saying that people who believe in god don't do it; he was saying that people who don't believe in god do it.
By the way, you're being redundant. Too redundant. If I were grading you, I would admit that you are intelligent and wise as for your age, but exactly because of that, you are being too wordy. Possibly, you subconsciously want to show that you are more mature than most people in your age. (I've been there; it's rather natural...) For instance, you said,
Someone was inherently conveying that you cannot be a high-minded individual with an ideology in a supreme being and I was saying you can and that Jesus attested to that as well.
It's better to say this:
Someone was
inherently conveyingimplying that you cannot be a high-minded individualwith an ideology in a supreme beingif you believe in a supreme being . . . -
God is Real in Principle
by looter innow the majority of people nowadays do no go by the hope of old times.
now the reason for this is important and goes beyond mere words.
our culture sees ethics especially national or civil politics as the rules and standards by which we guide ourselves.
looter - Here's where the real difficult part comes. It's really tough to explain what I really mean in just a few words without someone confusing it.
This means that you don't understand yourself either.
looter - That was the sole reason why my original post was so long because I wanted to explain it in detail instead of just coming out to say just my statement.
That was a bad idea. Just think of a thesis statement and build your paragraphs accordingly. High-school method of writing essays might make you sound more intelligible.
looter - And haha to your [cofty's] last question. No absolutely not. I'm saying that conscience and morals can be correlated to a God within ourselves.
Well, you do sound as if you were trying to say that conscience is evidence for God. You did say that God is some sort of inner value of a person...
God is Real in Principle
by looter innow the majority of people nowadays do no go by the hope of old times.
now the reason for this is important and goes beyond mere words.
our culture sees ethics especially national or civil politics as the rules and standards by which we guide ourselves.
looter - It's possible to believe in God and still own up to everything you do as a person. Matter of fact, that's what you could argue Jesus taught his disciples.
Please don't go into an area you have no idea about. Jesus did not teach his disciples that you can be a good person without belief in God. He taught that if you don't believe in God, you will die in some sort of imminent apocalypse. And, no, this is not what I'm just saying; this is a dominant scholarly view about the historical Jesus.
By the way, I'm also having difficulties with understanding your points, especially because you keep contradicting yourself. Please write one thesis statement as you have probably been taught to do in high school, and build your body paragraph(s) accordingly.
My 1st Unwitness
by HappyGal ini have seen the witnessing carts pop up around our city.
there were no such carts when i left the jw's in the 1980's.
since leaving the organization i have survived (and thrived) by: .
Racial Insensitivity
by Coded Logic in"blue" lives matter!
- sheriff david clarke at the rnc.
this bs really makes my blood boil.
Speaking of discrimination... Did anyone know that hatred towards gay people is not "homophobia" but "homomisia"?
All Day K.H. Maintenance Meeting !!!!
by Poztate inthe whole congregation was required to sign up for this all day program.what are they going to talk about for the full day.
maybe a one hour talk by an elder about "responsible toilet cleaning in this time of the end" with demos as how it can be accomplished.
only sisters seem to need to listen to that one.. maybe cutting grass to the proper height so we don't bring reproach on jehovah's name.
We already had this one-day program about cleaning in our Kingdom Hall a few months ago... But I can't tell you anything about it. I just ignored it and didn't go.
Why are anniversaries allowed but not birthdays?
by hyperpen inthe scripture quotes aside, i was always told that we don't celebrate birthdays because that is a celebration of the self, which has no place in jehovah's organization.
then why celebrate anniversaries?
anniversary celebrations are about the joining of two selves, isn't that twice as selfish?.
Just stop thinking about it; just let it go, and the problem will disappear. You'll see.