Pete Zahut, what they say is indeed terrifying to small children. It's funny how they hypocritically attract new-comers by teaching them the "good" stuff about their religion, but once they get baptised, only then will they mention the bad teachings.
When I became an unbaptised publisher—and was on my way to get baptised—not even once has anybody mentioned to me that the two-witness rule applies to every sin—even if it is a crime first and foremost, not a sin, such as child sexual abuse. Not even once has anybody said that if you sue a brother or a sister in the congregation even for a valid reason, such as the aforementioned child sexual abuse, you will be disfellowshipped. Not even once have they told me about the overlapping generation teaching, which makes no sense whatsoever, and of which I was completely unaware until I joined this site when I learned of the child sexual abuse problem in the Jehovah's Witness organisation. Neither of those things have I learned from the Jehovah's Witnesses, yet they were so eager to encourage me to first become an unbapitsed publisher (which I have) and then quickly get baptised (which I thankfully have not.)
And then they have the courage to tell everybody that they are not a cult because their teachings are not secret? You've gotta be kidding me! Those doctrines, even though officially accepted by the Governing Body and passed on to the congregations, were kept secret until I listened to what the ex-Jehovah's Witnesses had to say. This is a textbook method of cults to get new followers. First, mention the good teachings. When they get involved with your cult, then—and only then—mention the bad teachings.