Perry, I'd like to remind you that you are committing a logical fallacy―the argument from ignorance. You conclude that evolution is false because cofty cannot answer your specific question, in this case the question about how natural selection accounts for the growth of a caterpillar into a butterfly. The argument from ignorance is when you conclude that p is false because it has not shown to be true (or vice versa.)
In this specific case, cofty hasn't demonstrated that p is true, p being the proposition, "In practice, evolution can and does account for the growth of caterpillar into a butterfly." Hence, your conclusion is that p is false. This is not how science is done. Before you conclude that p is in fact false, you need to find evidentiary support for this conclusion. The same applies to cofty, and the same applies to you. If you ignore that, you are committing the aforementioned fallacy.
There are two other problems. Firstly, cofty has not actually claimed p. You have. The only conclusion you can imply from cofty's history of posts is that he claims q, q being the proposition, "In principle [not in practice], evolution can and does account for the growth of caterpillar into a butterfly." Insofar as I understand cofty's position, he is saying that in principle, there is an answer to your question. His evidence is his 40 posts on the topic of evolution. Hence, I think he would argue, if you look into Google Scholar, you will find an answer--because the answer exists in principle. Do not respond to this part of my comment unless you understand the philosophical distinction between answers in principle and answers in practice.
Another problem is that you are dishonestly shifting the burden of proof. You conclude that p is false because nobody has demonstrated it to be true. But wait a second: it is your job, as well as anybody else's, to provide evidence for your conclusion. If p is false, you need to demonstrate that. But needless to say, of course, cofty hasn't claimed p anyway. His position, as far as I understand it, is q.
If you, Perry, want to continue your conversation with cofty while ensuring it is productive, I would advise you to stay on the same page as he. Otherwise, you will just end up committing fallacies. If his position is not p but q, prove that q is false--not p. And to prove that q is false, you would need to discredit his past 40 posts, which is actual evidence for the claim that in principle, evolution can answer your question.