Move on. Forget about her. Jehovah's Witnesses are a cult. You should do research about Jehovah's Witness practices and beliefs. You'd be surprised to learn of what they believe but what they won't tell you during the "initiation" process (Bible study.) I used to study the Bible with them, but they kept me in the dark about the ugliest practices until I got more involved with them. They only tell you about their actual beliefs when you get baptised and are brainwashed enough. For instance, if you are unbaptised, you are good to associate with non-Jehovah's Witness people. If you are baptised, however, you cannot befriend people that are not Jehovah's Witnesses. Another—related—example is that Jehovah's Witnesses believe that "worldly" people—including young kids—will die in the Armageddon. ("Wordly" is the term used by them for non-Jehovah's Witness people.) If that's not enough, they also believe that blood transfusion is wrong, and so they forbid it.
If the above is not enough, do research. If you're still not convinced after researching their religion... well... love's blind, I guess (which is nothing to be proud of.)