The hall near me had 4 congregations with an average 180 pubs each. One was recently eliminated, so there are now 3 congregations with an average of 240 publishers. Still there is a total of 720 publishers meeting at this one building.
Here is the explanation given to the r&f:
The seating capacity determined by the local fire department is 189. Therefore, seating was provided assuming 100% attendance, with some room for visitors or new ones. Now the idea is to size the congregation based on anticipated attendance of 60-70%.
Previously each congregation had about 100 on Sunday. The first Sunday after the reorganization saw 180 for one congregation, but I don't know numbers for the others. All came early to grab seats and see who they got as refugees from the disbanded congregation. I don't know how many were counted on phone lines.
My thoughts: Since they got 75% attendance on the first Sunday, they will probably be able to keep below the legal limit allowed by fire regulations. No one seems to be expecting growth, just hoping that no more than 80% show up. The most deluded that do show up will be sitting cheek by jowel. I will be a gentleman to stand up and go elsewhere to read what you good folks have to say. I might complain about my aching a** or seek out Freddo to rejoice in our apathy.