I would like a tour of Gerrit's new custom built condo that they are all singing about.
JoinedPosts by Dreamerdude
New Song to be sung for Warwick Dedication on Oct 7
by Drearyweather ina place that will bring you praise.
New Song to be sung for Warwick Dedication on Oct 7
by Drearyweather ina place that will bring you praise.
It was so nice of them to write a song for the r&f to sing heartfelt appreciation for the privilege to give their time and possessions so the gb and helpers can have a nice new home that brings praise to Jah.
10 Graphs that show that the Watchtower is in trouble in Mexico
by ILoveTTATT2 inmexico is by far the country where the witnesses have had the most success in the entire world.
almost any statistic except the total amount of witnesses shows that mexico is where the witnesses have had the wildest success in the world.proportional to population, the witnesses in mexico are double, or nearly triple, what they are in the us or brazil.but there is "trouble in paradise".
if mexico falls, pretty much the whole watchtower falls.which is why it is so important to have jwfacts translated to spanish.i made an analysis and things are looking bad in mexico... if trends continue, mexico will become just like the 1st-world countries.here is the first graph:maximum publisher % increase:.
Thanks for sharing the detailed analysis and insights from Mexico. It would be nice to see a healthy decline in publishers this year. Although for JW gringos with some savings, Mexico sounds like a nice retirement destination. Especially if their kids are df'd and they don't care about seeing grandchildren.
Another lie. This time from the UK Branch
by alanv inandrew schofield, a spokesman for jehovah’s witnesses in britain, states: “for almost 60 years, our administrative operations for britain have been located in london.
however, larger facilities became necessary due to the increased demand for bible-related literature and materials.
we began site preparation on the 34-hectare (approx.
It sounds like Andy is out of touch with reality.
Russell Family Tree
by ILoveTTATT2 inunfortunately i had to zoom out to put all of the family tree in one picture.russell had 2 full brothers, 2 full sisters, and a half-sister.
it's interesting that margaret went on to be a jw (i.e.
stayed with the watchtower organization), whereas mabel, his half-sister, went on to stay with the bible students.it would be very interesting to find the descendants of both margaret and mabel... wondering how many still are bible students / jw's.... .
It's hard to even think of him as a human that had parents, siblings, a wife, nieces and nephews....
Russell Family Tree
by ILoveTTATT2 inunfortunately i had to zoom out to put all of the family tree in one picture.russell had 2 full brothers, 2 full sisters, and a half-sister.
it's interesting that margaret went on to be a jw (i.e.
stayed with the watchtower organization), whereas mabel, his half-sister, went on to stay with the bible students.it would be very interesting to find the descendants of both margaret and mabel... wondering how many still are bible students / jw's.... .
It's funny that he wrote so much and is credited for founding the religion, but wt writes so little about him as a person, and almost nothing about his family.
Russell Family Tree
by ILoveTTATT2 inunfortunately i had to zoom out to put all of the family tree in one picture.russell had 2 full brothers, 2 full sisters, and a half-sister.
it's interesting that margaret went on to be a jw (i.e.
stayed with the watchtower organization), whereas mabel, his half-sister, went on to stay with the bible students.it would be very interesting to find the descendants of both margaret and mabel... wondering how many still are bible students / jw's.... .
Thanks for sharing your research. It's inte eating to Knw there is so much information out there. I wonder if any of his relatives are currently either bible students, Jws, or members of other splinter groups.
Watchtower today
by Gorbatchov inshame to see our multi bilion property and media corporation asks for the last coins of an indian child, the coconuts from a sri lanka man and the last olive oil of a greek poor.. message to the poor is: no money, then your other belongings are belonging to jehova (read:jw.org).. at the end of the article i can click on a donate button and get a visa / mastercard sign om my screen.. follow the money: were are the property bilions?.
Yes, Gorby's sick examples come straight from today's study article. There's another one, which actually appears to be a real person named Lucia Moussanett, a 76 year old woman from Italy. She is praised for recruiting 60 Albanians to the cult. But before she was recruited she was a Catholic nun and actually did work to help people. The ironic part is that they reference her life story, which explains that when she was a nun she actually helped terminally ill people who had no family, taught children of immigrants, and helped poor people find housing and medical care. Of course none have of that practical help shows up in the study article. There was no financial or power benefit to Wt.
Born Ins, How Did Your Parents Get "The Truth™"?
by pale.emperor inborn ins are in a unique position in that we never knew any other way of life.
no birthdays, christmas and overly superstitious family just seemed normal.
when my parents talked about their pre-jw life it seemed like they were talking about completely different people (actually, that's true, the cult had taken their real selves).. so i'd be interested in hearing how your parents were indoctrinated.. my dad.
My mother was suckered in while she was pregnant, somewhat along the lines of the scenario described in 2 Timother 3:6, where sly guys captivate women while they are weak. My father was cooperative, but they never convinced him to get baptized. He hated disfellowshipping and refusal of blood transfusions when doctors insisted it is the only way to survive. He got upset a few times when he caught the JWs abusing his generosity. The JWs just thought Jehovah was using him to bestow blessings upon them. It kept him at arms length from the worst of the religion and gave me some freedom also. My mom would have liked to see me pioneer and go to Bethel, but dad helped me avoid those traps.
I was impressed by part of today's symposium entitled ' Safeguard your children from what is evil'
by UnshackleTheChains inwell i have to give credit where credit is due.
it was the part of today's symposium - build a house that will endure.
the part i was most impressed with was 'safeguard your children from "what is evil".
I am glad they addressed this at the RC. It's a subtle admission that child abuse is a problem. The talk I heard made it seem that the problem is school bus drivers and other worldly people. The parents were told to warn their children about predators and to make sure they dress modestly.
They will need to be forthright about the fact that the kids should not be sent to service, meetings, or family studies with people outside the family or even with family members that might have a tendency toward phedophilia. They also need to admit that the subject of pedophilia within the congregation is not just apostate driven lies.