If you want to know what good Hillary has done, all you have to do is look at her bio from the moment she left college. She has always pursued an agenda of helping people, particularly women and children. She has actively championed women's rights in oppressed countries.The Clinton Foundation has the highest rating among world wide charities, and despite the outright lies and half truths about it, spends over 90% of money raised in charitable works. It is a fact that whenever she has been in Office, she has commanded respect from those she works with.
I know that these points are wasted on most of the right, because they choose to inflate any of her mistakes into national scandals. I've followed the Clintons since they first came onto the major political scene, and recognize their failings, as I recognize the failings of all our politicians. I firmly believe, however , that she has been unfairly demonized by the right, because she stands for principles that are anathema to the Republican party.
Please don't bother listing all your talking points(Benghazi,uranium,Emails, Bernie Sanders, Podesta, predator Bill enabler, Wall Street speeches, etc.), I've done my research using all sources, including those I find abhorrent, and find her no worse than many other politicians, and better than most.