Being fairly sure, but not certain, that you are, or at least lean towards being Libertarian I realize that nothing I say will sway you, but want you to know that I've done my research, and I'm not spouting leftist propaganda.
First, I'm going to list the titles of all the articles I found in the Muses Daily Articles, which is part of their online website. Just type Mises Institute, and the title, and you can read them yourself.
Civil Rights for Gays
Human Rights as Property Rights
Children's Rights
Civil Rights and the Supreme Court
Why Discriminate?
Rothbard Explains the Proper Response to Climate Change
The Civil War: Both Sides Were Wrong
Freedom of Want is Slavery for All
The Confederate Constitution
The Despot named Lincoln
Social Security: The Most Successful Ponzi Scheme in History
How FDR Made the Depression Worse
There are other articles where they feel there is no need for minimum wage, Public Education, rent control, and Medicare.
Two of the founders were Murray Rothbard and Lew Rockwell. Rothbard has many kind things to say about the Confederacy, David Duke, and Joseph McCarthy. Rockwell posts interesting papers on with the titles
Legalize Drunk Driving
The Vindication of Joe McCarthy
and (you should find this interesting, Simon!)
Relativity and the Priesthood of Science
Now, to the subject of Walter Block. You say he doesn't advocate the despicable things he discusses in Defending the Undefendable. That may be true. But, here's the truth of the matter. He truly believes that those ideas are correct, and that the world would be better if we followed them. He is both a Libertarian and an Austrian Economist, as are Rothbard and Rockwell. He is also a pompous ass. If you care to hear his Libertarian blathering, go to YouTube and type Minority Report: Walter Block, and listen to what he has to say. I find him rude, arrogant and unable to answer simple questions. Of course, you might find him a font of wisdom.
These guys live in a fantasy world, where if everyone listened to them, we'd all play nice, and everyone would respect your personal and properly rights, we'd all band together and build roads and hospitals by pooling our resources, and no one would tell us what to do, or steal our money by making us help those who are lazy and undeserving, and if they die, so what? We're only responsible for ourselves.
So, if you wonder why I wouldn't believe anything I hear on YouTube from Joe Salerno of the Mises Institute, this is just a sampling. The world they envision would be a horrible one, where the worst of us would rise to the top, and we'd end up with Kings and serfs, like the good old days.