thats 6 million plus CHILDREN
JoinedPosts by stephenw20
Governing bye-bye
by RR inwell as most of you know, when the society reorganized the governing body retired as officers, in fact the society itself is run by earthbound members.. .
recently two governing body members kicked the bucket, klein and swingle.
that leaves the jw's with just eleven governing body members, who spiritually feed the masses, while the other sheep run things.. however, six of the eleven are so old they don't even know what time of day it is, the other five are younger and newly.
try netscape people finder.........then do the reverse search
Governing bye-bye
by RR inwell as most of you know, when the society reorganized the governing body retired as officers, in fact the society itself is run by earthbound members.. .
recently two governing body members kicked the bucket, klein and swingle.
that leaves the jw's with just eleven governing body members, who spiritually feed the masses, while the other sheep run things.. however, six of the eleven are so old they don't even know what time of day it is, the other five are younger and newly.
so is GODS SPirit working wit the new members just as with the old.........and since they DIRECT the organization...will they be GETTING MORE INVOLVED...with he WEEKLY magazine artilces....I had heard that Henschel doesnt even read the magazines all the time?
ya know for a group whos beliefs havent cahnged much. in 100 + yrs........they sure print alot of magazines....are all WITNESSES suffering from poor memory......
any one ever wonder how many trees are scarificed yearly...for the almighty Watchtower..........and no recycling huh.......tragic.
the new member s will do what the old ones did ...go here on vacation
http://www.planet-hawaii.com/mtp/tenants.htmmaybe the generation prophecy was just so they could sail off into the sunset.........they werent going to be around anyway to see the end of it........
Elders' Gems of Wisdom
by stephenw20 inmy dad asked the co about this one.
mat 27:52-53. and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, .
and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
you had windows?we did once but they bricked them up......I never see windows any more...........guess the light must have to be kept IN!
the old testament/the new testament
by stephenw20 inok the old testament told us , after adam and eve noticed they were naked(they were conscious) guess they were unconscious before that......but that is another subject........so the new testament deals with the faithful men of old, a promise to abraham and prophecy of the messiah coming.. the new testament tell us he came, he was quite the man...did it all and has the scars to prove it.
it tells of the preaching of jesus to all people back then..........to be saved.......... so are we a testament or a bible short..........i mean where does it promise in the end one organization would preach for 100 + years(and not about jesus mind you)...did i miss this prophecy somewhere........that salvation was only through this organization........i mean think of the rest of the world outside of the jws they are worse off then the gentiles.....no hope at all......(according to the gb in brooklyn).
yep that is sure a purpose...a divine one..yep..... well time to wake up...i must be dreaming!
ok the old testament told us , after Adam and Eve noticed they were naked(they were conscious) guess they were unconscious before that......but that is another subject........so the new testament deals with the faithful men of old, a promise to Abraham and prophecy of the Messiah coming.
The new testament tell us he came, he was quite the man...did it all and has the scars to prove it. It tells of the preaching of JESUS to all people back then..........to be saved.........
so are we a testament or a bible short..........I mean where does it promise in the end ONE ORGANIZATION would preach for 100 + years(and not about Jesus mind you)...did I miss this prophecy somewhere........that salvation was only through this organization........I mean think of the rest of the world outside of the JWS they are worse off then the gentiles.....NO HOPE AT ALL......(according to the GB in Brooklyn)
yep that is sure a purpose...a divine one..yep....
well time to wake up...I must be dreaming!
Visiting Bethel/new Corp Arrangements
by LDH ina recent post from a wol newbie:.
please, at least once anyway....it is soooooooooooooo worth it!
any of you visited bethel lately????.
WELL I II UH I worked on the Stanley theatre.....so there
and I had....friends..yah thats it...at bethel........and I even got turned down by themmmmmmm for coming to work there and stay..........wow what a blessing.........guess where I would be today.............in Brooklyn and youd be talkin about me! :)
Elders' Gems of Wisdom
by stephenw20 inmy dad asked the co about this one.
mat 27:52-53. and the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, .
and came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
My dad asked the CO about this one
Mat 27:52-53And the graves were opened; and many bodies of the saints which slept arose,
And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared unto many.
He said it was a poorly worded scripture
I wondered is there a list of these poorly written scriptures
Visiting Bethel/new Corp Arrangements
by LDH ina recent post from a wol newbie:.
please, at least once anyway....it is soooooooooooooo worth it!
any of you visited bethel lately????.
confuse matters.....or protect the ASSets?
s -
Visiting Bethel/new Corp Arrangements
by LDH ina recent post from a wol newbie:.
please, at least once anyway....it is soooooooooooooo worth it!
any of you visited bethel lately????.
who is MH LARSON
or GF Simonis
They are named as the President and treasurer of the CORP.inside the watchtower front cover near all the language stuff.I thought Don Adams was the HEAD CHEESE
any on share some words on these two GOD FEARING FELLOWS?
S -
Does any one see any thing funny here
by stephenw20 inbbbowen" < [email protected]>.
from: "bbbowen" < [email protected]> | block address | add to address book.
subject: why did you do this??.
Sister Venice,
this was quoted from the
http://watchtower.observer.org/ site
Although more documented court cases exist, Bowen said there are literally hundreds of similar cases that never see the light of day in a court of law.
“I posted my letter (of resignation) to the Watchtower Society on the Internet on one forum,” he said. “In two days, I had 15 pages of victims who wrote me. Each day, I receive new calls from victims.
“My religion has become saturated with pedophiles holding positions from top to bottom. In my 40-plus years as a member, I have yet to find one church among Jehovah’s Witnesses that does not have problems with child molestation.”.............yep now posting a resignation on an interent forum board is a way to KEEP IT QUIET....