i was thinking along the lines of
" do you know who is knocking on your door?"
and then let them know how there children may be at risk.
in light of the recent media on the pdophiles with in the organization and the wtbts stand on how these shoulld be dealt with , especailly in states where there is no law regarding reporting this to authorities.,............does any one here feel the neighborhood, town council or neighborhood watch in their town might have interest in know ing , child molestors are walking thier side walks.. .
knowing that summer is coming and lots of outdoor activities along with children being out of school, the community i am sure would like to know who is knocking on their door.. after all, how many pedophiles get an opportunity to get into the community and actually see homes where kids live , see the surrounding s of the house, all in such an innocent trusted manner....put your self at that door answering it with this person at the door.......if you knew this.
can we go door to door after the witnesses are there to say.....by the way the folks who were just here, are part of an organization that shields pedophiles, and doesnt come clean with even its own members as to whothe said offender is .........perhaps a petition against the house to house could be signed......and then offered to local officals.
i was thinking along the lines of
" do you know who is knocking on your door?"
and then let them know how there children may be at risk.
i have a theory that i would like to bounce off some of you.. jw's are undoubtedly the most aggressive recruiting organization.
in the world.
they spend over 1 billion hours per year going door.
well if there was no door to door
there would be fewer magazines
its about cash!
not success
in light of the recent media on the pdophiles with in the organization and the wtbts stand on how these shoulld be dealt with , especailly in states where there is no law regarding reporting this to authorities.,............does any one here feel the neighborhood, town council or neighborhood watch in their town might have interest in know ing , child molestors are walking thier side walks.. .
knowing that summer is coming and lots of outdoor activities along with children being out of school, the community i am sure would like to know who is knocking on their door.. after all, how many pedophiles get an opportunity to get into the community and actually see homes where kids live , see the surrounding s of the house, all in such an innocent trusted manner....put your self at that door answering it with this person at the door.......if you knew this.
can we go door to door after the witnesses are there to say.....by the way the folks who were just here, are part of an organization that shields pedophiles, and doesnt come clean with even its own members as to whothe said offender is .........perhaps a petition against the house to house could be signed......and then offered to local officals.
again I respectfully disagree, cut off the legs and the head will fall off..
you will NEVER GET to Brookly, thats a pipe dream .........
pigs will fly first.......
....the king and his kingdom.
i am, of course talking about simon and his website!
joelbear had a great idea on the "memorial" thread, so i borrowed it for this one.. simon, can you have bumper stickers, or those static window stickers made up advertising this website?
yes this ounds wonderful ,
I ll take 100 and give them to my neighbors,
the peel off kind would be better, so they can be moved from vehicle to vehicle and in your windows at home when your not moving!
in light of the recent media on the pdophiles with in the organization and the wtbts stand on how these shoulld be dealt with , especailly in states where there is no law regarding reporting this to authorities.,............does any one here feel the neighborhood, town council or neighborhood watch in their town might have interest in know ing , child molestors are walking thier side walks.. .
knowing that summer is coming and lots of outdoor activities along with children being out of school, the community i am sure would like to know who is knocking on their door.. after all, how many pedophiles get an opportunity to get into the community and actually see homes where kids live , see the surrounding s of the house, all in such an innocent trusted manner....put your self at that door answering it with this person at the door.......if you knew this.
can we go door to door after the witnesses are there to say.....by the way the folks who were just here, are part of an organization that shields pedophiles, and doesnt come clean with even its own members as to whothe said offender is .........perhaps a petition against the house to house could be signed......and then offered to local officals.
this may help
community forums form all over the US
in light of the recent media on the pdophiles with in the organization and the wtbts stand on how these shoulld be dealt with , especailly in states where there is no law regarding reporting this to authorities.,............does any one here feel the neighborhood, town council or neighborhood watch in their town might have interest in know ing , child molestors are walking thier side walks.. .
knowing that summer is coming and lots of outdoor activities along with children being out of school, the community i am sure would like to know who is knocking on their door.. after all, how many pedophiles get an opportunity to get into the community and actually see homes where kids live , see the surrounding s of the house, all in such an innocent trusted manner....put your self at that door answering it with this person at the door.......if you knew this.
can we go door to door after the witnesses are there to say.....by the way the folks who were just here, are part of an organization that shields pedophiles, and doesnt come clean with even its own members as to whothe said offender is .........perhaps a petition against the house to house could be signed......and then offered to local officals.
its annoying to me to get people calling my house let alone walking aound my neighborhood taking notes.
this is an aspect I am sure local officials would find abit disconcerting.
in light of the recent media on the pdophiles with in the organization and the wtbts stand on how these shoulld be dealt with , especailly in states where there is no law regarding reporting this to authorities.,............does any one here feel the neighborhood, town council or neighborhood watch in their town might have interest in know ing , child molestors are walking thier side walks.. .
knowing that summer is coming and lots of outdoor activities along with children being out of school, the community i am sure would like to know who is knocking on their door.. after all, how many pedophiles get an opportunity to get into the community and actually see homes where kids live , see the surrounding s of the house, all in such an innocent trusted manner....put your self at that door answering it with this person at the door.......if you knew this.
can we go door to door after the witnesses are there to say.....by the way the folks who were just here, are part of an organization that shields pedophiles, and doesnt come clean with even its own members as to whothe said offender is .........perhaps a petition against the house to house could be signed......and then offered to local officals.
I respectfully disagree,
if local efforts were successful , the community outcry would force court battles. WHO DO YOU THINK is going to pay for these court battles. Here in NJ, the police work in a peace diffuse the situation mode. If JWS are found to harbor criminals in the org, the rights of the public are being violated. The police will send them packing..and so on and so on.
there are not enough WTBTS lawyers that could keep up with the local community so by default THEY LOSE.....
in light of the recent media on the pdophiles with in the organization and the wtbts stand on how these shoulld be dealt with , especailly in states where there is no law regarding reporting this to authorities.,............does any one here feel the neighborhood, town council or neighborhood watch in their town might have interest in know ing , child molestors are walking thier side walks.. .
knowing that summer is coming and lots of outdoor activities along with children being out of school, the community i am sure would like to know who is knocking on their door.. after all, how many pedophiles get an opportunity to get into the community and actually see homes where kids live , see the surrounding s of the house, all in such an innocent trusted manner....put your self at that door answering it with this person at the door.......if you knew this.
can we go door to door after the witnesses are there to say.....by the way the folks who were just here, are part of an organization that shields pedophiles, and doesnt come clean with even its own members as to whothe said offender is .........perhaps a petition against the house to house could be signed......and then offered to local officals.
My thoughts exactly.
if the neighbors KNEW who was in the NEIGHBORHOOD they would complian to authorites....if you have public outcry...guess what...no more ding dong
less ding dong , less magazines, more litigation for the wtbts less cha-ching!$
lets do it..can we develop a one page item with good up to date info...
i am thinking of going to the memorial with a sign in the window of my car that says, happy as an exjw, visit www.jehovahs-witness.com.. any thoughts?.
you could always write it on your TIE(i mean Phallic symbol)
or get one of those tap lights for 3 bucks and leave it on during the ceremony illuminating our wonderful forum......
of course NEON is an option but youll need electricy.......
today's watchtower study (feb 15, p17) seeks to reassure jws that jehovah will take action against all opposers to the wtbts.. it states: "unscrupulous men slander jehovah's witnesses, branding them a 'dangerous cult'.
god is aware of their actions-and these will not go unpunished.
"(para 11).
I mean, the LEADERS are so removed form the WRITINGS they havent a clue...yes all they have done is wrong to mankind
you do have to have people give you their money as donations if you dont want to work and get it all tax free........
so this is their way...
I am not saying it is right........... far from it
of course they would loose and lose their ass ...it would be like Ronald Reagen tryiing to remember something....MOMMY!