so then the boys in brooklyn are like Penthouse forum without the pics?
just like the urban legends that we all heard at assemblies, we also read questions from readers in the wts rags...did you guys ever read those while you were still jws and think "oh my god...there is no way that some 8 year old wrote or even said any of this.
" or when you heard at assemblies that we should be soooo thankful because the brothers in africa are walking through gator infested, malarial waters with their children on their backs and their book bags and meeting clothes on their heads, through monsoon rains 74 miles each way to attend their assemblies.
my mother used to say the same thing about cleaning my plate because there were kids in whoknowswhere starving to death.
so then the boys in brooklyn are like Penthouse forum without the pics?
this is my first post in any network such as this.
i have been "lurking" around the "apostate" sites for the last year or so.
i am glad i have!
Its never an easy thing to leave the TRIBE and develpo your own IDEAS, especailly this TRIBE. known for shunning independent thinking(we should just be animals...if that were the case)
I wanted to welcome you and respond to one point you made......
"During the last year I have educated myself concerning the history of the WTS. It was devastating to realize how many years I have wasted. I gave my whole life to that organization"
Well it may seem wasted, but it was a prolonged education of sorts......and your WHOLE life isnt over yet..there is still much is a new day....
you may consider looking not some therapy . books or tapes about healing and that sort of thing. has some good info for those dealing with the spirtual journey and the life journey , and dealing with leaving a tribe like this one
Please feel free to lean when you need to.
just thought about all field service etc.
does the gb count time, and if they have a specific amount for the month, and if they should fall and not make their quota do the elders make a spiritual return visit on them?
since the corporate change does anyone know what they are doing ?
its nice they lead by example...cant the RF just FOLLOW?
'feeling victimized only adds to your illness, and should it become a full state of mind, would qualify as an illness in itself.'.
caroline myss phd
'Feeling victimized only adds to your illness, and should it become a full state of mind, would qualify as an illness in itself.'
Caroline Myss PHD
a few months ago, our old chum rick started a thread on h20 about what would happen to some apostates after armageddon.. according to his reasoning, jw apostates, that is to say persons who had only turned against the wtbts and not against jehovah, these ones would survive the great battle and then become personal slaves to the goody two-shoes dubs who sailed through armageddon with first-class honours.
apostate duties would include the renovating of fine stately homes such as sandringham or balmoral, so that all of the very fine fellows in watchtowerland could relax in comfort from their pre-geddon labours, and enjoy being waited on hand and foot by people such as, er well, you tell me!.
so, i was just wondering, if rick is right in what he says, whom would i like to be a slave to?
and ~this~ is suppose to be the NEW system
no thank you..I live right here right now
i have seen this a few times , and i marvel at the thoughts that come to me while watching to what is real and waht is not........ has anyone seen it........... just so swell how , he got what he needed, to keep playing the game........ see any parallels?
I have seen this a few times , and I marvel at the thoughts that come to me while watching to what is real and waht is not........ has anyone seen it..........
just so swell how , he got what he NEEDED, to keep playing the game.......
see any parallels? *EG*
last nite it was announced, a letter read, that the .
use of the term "christian congregation" would now.
be used instead of "watchtower".
and is the magazine name changing or is a new one on the way?
refinement my anal orifice!
i'm curious: how many years were you in before you left?
by left, i mean either df'd and decided not to go back, or da'd, or faded, or even just realized it was a crock but stuck around anyway for family reasons?.
we're told in la-la-land that it's the newly baptized, those who are "spiritually immature" that mostly leave.
christmas ended in 3rd grade for me..........
I was in till I got married @ 22..then faded.had my triumphant retrun last year for the end of the greatest man book.....and am gone without the guilt and happily so.......
was thinking of posting my letter of farewell on the information board this Sunday Evening. :)
just thought about all field service etc.
does the gb count time, and if they have a specific amount for the month, and if they should fall and not make their quota do the elders make a spiritual return visit on them?
since the corporate change does anyone know what they are doing ?
using the FDS own words of them being LIKE apostles why arent they OUT visiting the R&F to upbuild them setting the EXAMPLE.........
did paul or john or was it peter............spend a great deal of time worrying about the magazine placemnts that month or how many hours were spent PREACHING no ...because THEY were the ones preaching!
id GOD sees all knows all...what is the REPORT for....other than the bone heads on the body to see if any region is slacking?
this is for all of you who have left god's spiritual garden(wt), there is not hope without the organization.. all of you are going to be destroyed, including your kids.. so repent in the name of the organization and come back to us.
why would you like to die and be like manure in the soil.. don't you know that the organization is the only channel of comunication with god.. don't you know that the faithful and discreet slave is inspired by angels.
yes you are out of the organization because the angels have seen how weaked your hearts has become.. glory to the watch tower.
your late!