terrorists are cold & calculating
Elders are cold and can't calculate!
you can negotiate with a terrorist.. -----------------------------------.
terrorists are cold & calculating
Elders are cold and can't calculate!
Mac ,
if you go to the bio pure website you can sign up for email updates... there is also the press conference on real player......
Perhaps its just me..but red blood cells is red blood cells blood... this comes from animals and its ok with the JWS?
from what i gather at the service dept., there is no such thing as.
an invalid baptism.
they defined it out of existence.
Baptism would be good and fine , if after your baptised, they dont change the VOWS and thereby make you inheirently agree to these without prior notice or even mention.
WT May 1, 1973 p.280
(1) Have you repented of your sins and turned around, recognizing yourself before Jehovah God as a condemned sinner who needs salvation, and have you acknowledged to him that this salvation proceeds from him, the Father, through his Son, Jesus Christ?
(2) On the basis of this faith in God and in his provision for salvation, have you dedicated yourself unreservedly to God to do his will henceforth as he reveals it to you through his son, Jesus Christ and through the Bible under the enlightening power of the holy spirit?
WT June 1, 1985 p. 30
(1) On the basis of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ, have you repented of your sins and dedicated yourself to Jehovah to do his will?
(2) Do you understand that your dedication and baptism identify you as one of Jehovah's Witnesses in association with God's spirit directed organization?
Having answered yes to these questions, candidates are in a right heart condition to undergo Christian baptism.
I wonder if the editor(god)had anything to do these changes...this or the guy directing(JESUS) the FDS..........
can you imagine the meetings....GB member...." well uh.. God.... we want to change um the vows...... for dedication from dedication to you and your son ...to uhum ur dedication to US the JWS. the WTBTS......... is it OK?
i was wondering about the quote found in the.
february watchtower (15/2001 p. 27), there in 17 it is written:.
" in his book these also believe, professor charles s.braden.
this is a long period of time
hows the growth since 1995.....since the generation PASSED
i was wondering about this part written in the.
w. 15.02.2001 page 29 (box) :.
...related to this, christian should avoid putting onto, or downloading.
perhaps in a board room in Brooklyn , when items were being discussed, the idea of copying videos and magazines came up..
for the few if any that saw the GOOD of copying something to make sharing the good news FREE as stated.......
there were I am sure 12 others looking at these few saying...........
any questions?
is there a language this is not translated into?
NEW YORK (CNNfn) - The first regulatory approval for an oxygen therapeutic for human use has been awarded to two South African hospital groups Tuesday.
Netcare and Community Health Care hospitals have won the approval of South Africa's Medicines Control Council to import Biopure Corp.'s (BPUR: Research, Estimates) Hemopure, which treats acute anemia and avoidance of blood cells in adult surgery patients.
Hemopure is the first product approved for human use in a new class of intravenously administered drugs, called oxygen therapeutics, that are used to deliver oxygen to the body's tissues as a safe alternative to red blood cell transfusion.
"This could profoundly impact public health issues in Africa as the product's purity, compatibility with all blood types and two-year room temperature stability address many of the medical and logistical problems surrounding the treatment of anemia with red blood cells," said Dr. Richard Friedland, chief operating officer of Netcare.
Hemopure is licensed in South Africa to Tshepo Pharmaceuticals Ltd., a joint subsidiary of Netcare and Community Healthcare. Tshepo will launch the product nationally in the first half of 2002 following's completion of its Cambridge, Mass. manufacturing facility.
José Orduño lay dying. Doctors grumbled about their lack of options. And Orduño's sister, Angelica, wondered how she would tell their frail mother that he had refused lifesaving blood transfusions because of his faith.
"You walk around with your arms tied behind your back," said Mercy San Juan Hospital trauma surgeon Leon Owens. "It's torture."
But Orduño didn't die. After two weeks in the hospital, breathing through a tube in his throat, the baby-faced 34-year-old was offered a long shot: an experimental therapy made from the blood of cattle.
Before sunup July 21, Orduño was nearing the end of his 40-minute bike ride to McDonald's on Madison Avenue near Sunrise Boulevard, where he worked making salads, when he was hit by a car. He remembers nothing of the accident, but learned later that he was thrown about 90 feet, and that the driver of the car that hit him fled.
Orduño arrived at Mercy San Juan with a gash to the back of his head, bruised lungs and several broken ribs, including the bone under the collar, which is not easy to break.
"It's like a wooden doughnut," said Owens. "When it's broken, a little light goes on: This guy has really had a beating."
Orduño was losing blood, which was filling his chest cavity. That led to dangerously low levels of hemoglobin, the protein molecule that carries oxygen in the red blood cells to the heart, brain, kidneys and other vital organs. Without oxygen, tissue dies.
Owens ordered a blood transfusion.
After Orduño had received two units of a donor's blood, he awoke to tell the doctors and nurses surrounding him that he didn't want any more.
The transfusion was halted.
Although Orduño never officially has been baptized a Jehovah's Witness, he would explain later that he subscribes to the denomination's doctrine and is well-versed in its practices. "I know in the text where it mentions that we should not receive blood by mouth or by transfusion," he said.
His belief is based on several Biblical passages, including Leviticus 17:12-14: "No soul of you shall eat blood ... whosoever eateth it shall be cut off."
The faith's prohibition against transfusions has inspired debates within the medical and religious communities: Should a person's freedom to worship overrule a doctor's oath to do everything possible to save that person's life?
Even among Jehovah's Witnesses, the blood policy is controversial. A group calling itself the Associated Jehovah's Witnesses for Reform on Blood maintains a Web site dedicated to analyzing the no-blood doctrine.
Owens said he had to respect Orduño's wishes. But he did so grudgingly.
"You have a lot of margin of error with blood," he said. "With this guy, every drop you lose is lost."
A local representative from the Jehovah's Witnesses Hospital Liaison Committee was summoned. Owens told him that Orduño would die without more blood. Already, the patient's hemoglobin levels measured just 3 grams per 100 ccs of blood; a normal level is 12 grams. Owens had never seen anyone live with less than 2 grams.
"We discussed his vital signs, his fluid output, his hemoglobin, his respiration," said Gregory Brown, the representative. Brown suggested ways to manage the patient without more blood, but would not yield on the transfusion.
Owens couldn't perform surgery to stanch the bleeding without further blood loss. So he tried other innovative procedures.
He gave Orduño nitric oxide for more than a week, using the treatment as part of a clinical trial. Researchers have found that the gas helps the blood vessels pull oxygen across membranes that have bruised and swelled, as had happened in Orduño's case.
At the same time, Owens tried to stimulate Orduño's bone marrow to generate more hemoglobin using a drug called Epogen. But Epogen takes weeks to work, time that Orduño likely didn't have.
Meanwhile, Orduño's sister Angelica had arrived from her home in Guanajuato, Mexico. Doctors told her of his decision and, not being a Jehovah's Witness, it deeply disturbed her.
She spent days at his bedside. When the nurses kicked her out at 4:30 a.m., she slept in a lobby chair. She couldn't talk to José, who was heavily medicated and hooked up to a ventilator.
"I was scared," she said, turning to shield her eyes as they filled with tears. "I couldn't do anything."
Angelica stayed in touch with their sisters and brothers back home, but kept the news from their ailing mother, who, she said, wouldn't be able to cope if she knew of her son's impending death.
Orduño was barely hanging on, already showing signs of heart failure and vulnerability to deadly infection. "Every day we thought, this is the day," said Robynn Gough-Smith, the trauma program manager.
About two weeks into the ordeal, Dr. Roy Semlacher, a plastic surgeon, overheard another doctor discussing the case. "I know exactly what to use," he told them.
Semlacher knew of a Cambridge, Mass., company called Biopure that had developed an alternative therapy for situations in which patients can't -- or won't -- accept blood transfusions.
A case in which the drug had been used had been published in the June 1 edition of the New England Journal of Medicine. The article described how the therapy had saved the life of a young woman whose own immune system was destroying her red blood cells.
Semlacher called Biopure. Dr. Edward Jacobs, senior vice president of medical affairs for the company, said Orduño sounded like a good candidate for their drug Hemopure. Jacobs quickly got approval from the Food and Drug Administration to provide the drug on a compassionate-use basis.
The hospital called Brown to discuss whether Hemopure would be an acceptable alternative to whole blood. Brown agreed that the substance did not constitute a major blood component, as would plasma or red blood cells, which would be prohibited.
"Medicine has found ways of breaking down the components into many tiny pieces," he said. "We are saying, that becomes a matter of conscience because the Bible doesn't really address that."
Hemopure is made from cattle red blood cells that have been ultra-purified, processed and mixed with a salt solution. It can be given to anyone, regardless of blood type, said Jacobs. The drug is being tested in several clinical trials, and the company hopes to apply for permission to market it next year.
Packets of Hemopure arrived within two days of Semlacher's call. After getting the drug intravenously over three or four days, Orduño's hemoglobin level shot up, reviving his body's ability to produce new oxygen-carrying red blood cells.
When Orduño woke up from his drug-induced slumber, about a month after the ordeal began, Angelica was there. Seeing her face, he didn't know if he was in Mexico or the United States, where he has lived since 1997.
His sister told him about the accident and how he almost died, and about the drug made from cow blood that had saved his life.
He told his sister he didn't remember refusing the transfusion and never knew his life was in danger. But he said he agreed with his own dazed decision.
The doctors and nurses, the drug maker, the Jehovah's Witnesses -- everyone involved -- were elated at Orduño's recovery.
Orduño left the hospital on Sept. 10. His breathing is still labored and his right arm difficult to move after six weeks motionless and tethered to a hospital bed.
But he is eager to work again in his adopted homeland. Angelica, meanwhile, plans to return home to Mexico where she can deliver the good news to their mother.
way to go simon--jehovahs-witness.com was given the "cool site" award from netscape open directory!.
congrats to simon!.
--java...counting time at the coffee shop
Many thanks to Simon
and continued growth and success!
last night, the opening of the mailbox revealed the may 15,2001 watchtower.
my initial instinct was to drop it in the garbage on the way to the house, but i would have had to walk around the house to do it and my hands were full.
i don't normally read them,but of late with all the "choice morsels" from the past coming out , i just wanted to flip through and see where they are heading now..........and see if any gems of gold existed inside.
Last night, the opening of the mailbox revealed the May 15,2001 Watchtower. My initial instinct was to drop it in the garbage on the way to the house, but I would have had to walk around the house to do it and my hands were full. I don't normally read them,but of late with all the "choice morsels" from the past coming out , I just wanted to flip through and see where they are heading now..........and see if any gems of gold existed inside
In the Article "By Wisdom our days will become many" on page 29 left column, in the paragraph just above the subheading " Do Not Reprove a Ridiculer"..... the following is found:
" The faithful and discrete slave", whom JESUS directly supervises, diligently provides timely spiritual food for all."
Now if you read below, You will see MR Franz's, and Knoors statments clearly indicating that GOD is the editior of this very magazine.
SO we have GOD editing , and Jesus Directing......... and only the FATHER knows the hour....and the father cant lie.........
and the end has been written down how many times...........
If I write a letter to the editor, will he read it, will he respond to it.....
will he print it.........
I feel SO much better knowing this.............
at times like this I wish I could just post the TR picture and say ENOUGH!
Olin R. Moyle, v F.W.Franz, et al. Libel suit testimony, May 10th to May 27th, 1943, New York Supreme Court, Appellate Division:
Fred W. Franz on the witness stand, sections 2596 & 2597 -
"Q. At any rate, Jehovah God is now the editor of the paper, is that right ?
A. He is today the editor of the paper.
Q. How long has he been editor of the paper ?
A. Since its inception he has been guiding it.
Q. Even before 1931 ?
A. Yes, sir."
Nathan Homer Knorr on the witness stand, at the same Olin Myle trial, sections 4420 & 4421 :
"Q. But you don't make any mention in the fore part of your Watch Tower that "We are not infallible and subject to correction and may make mistakes" ?
A. We have never claimed infallibility.
Q. But you don;t make any such statement, that you are subject to correction, in your Watch Tower papers do you ?
A. Not that I recall.
Q. In fact, it is set forth directly as God's Word, isn't it ?
A. Yes, as His Word.
Q. Without any qualification whatsoever ?
A. That is right.".
to my knowledge the governing body of the jws have not responded to my challenge to debate the proposition "jehovah's witnesses constitute a religious cult.".
i have said they wouldn't respond, and they won't.. for those of you who have a copy of "jehovah's witnesses in the divine purpose," let me suggest you read how the jws taunted mainstream religious leaders with their refusal to debate, claiming their refusal constituted tacit admission of the falsity of their religious practices and beliefs.. now the shoe is on the other foot.
and the governing body is hiding in the deepest precints of 114 adams street.
I can only comment on this , as I read it last evening.
In the May 15,2001 Watchtower(I never use to read them, I have to say)
In the article "By Wisdom Our Dasy will become Many " on page 29 the last paragraph states
" In Our endeavor to reach honest hearted ones with the kingdom good news, may we be careful not to get involved in debates and arguments with ridiculers. Christ Jesus instructed his disciples: "When you are entering into the house, greet the household; and if the house is deserving, let the peace you wish it come upon it: but ,if it is not deserving,let the peace from you return upon you. Wherever anyone does not take you in or listen to your words, on going out of that house or that city shake the dust off your feet." Matt 10:12-14"
Now from this I gather for those who choose to go from door to door or speak about Jesus and the kingdom of heaven being at hand(not the kingdom good news...another out of context point) that they should go to a city, find a place to stay , and preach from there, the house that showed them kindness.
I have no idea how the "PREACHING WORK( the distribution of magazines, books and invitations) is the same as what the disciples did. Further, if EVERYONE has to agree with you and cannot question the source of the beliefs....debate in other words, how is this in line with the societys own printed material of
1984 "The Catholic Church occupies a very significant position in the world and claims to be the way of salvation for hundreds of millions of people. Any organization that assumes that position should be willing to submit to scrutiny and criticism." {AWAK Aug 22 1984 28}
They are in the same postion, leading many, responsible for many, and should be WILLING to submit....to questions, scrutiny and criticism.
Perhaps the time has come for the previously written articles , that were accurate , and well written, to be just reprinted . After all it seems quite EVIDENT, the current writers are doing serious damage to not only their own heads by scratching so profusely, but also to the OVERALL Message......since they cant come up with much that makes any sense or doesn't contradict something prevuiously stated.
THis would keep the profits in line and since most who receive the magazines dont read them cover to cover, it may not even be noticed.......
hey wait a minute.....is that what is realy going on?