ordinarily nothing, ordinarily everything
The whole objection/obsession, in the past, of science's demand of "Verifible Proof" of ESP, etc. has had it's legs taken out from under itself. By who? PHYSICS ! The highest/purest ground of science is now in the opinion that you cannot separate the Observer and the Observed ! There is NO Objective Experiment.
It has also proved(yes proved) that a two particle miles from one another can affect each other instantly. (the details of this are facinating). Things like the single/double slit light experiments show that depending on what we are looking for, the experiment will demonstate that perspective(ie probability).
How can two things(particles/waves) communicate/know that the other has changed and thus they must change instantly. (this involves experiments with what's called "Matched Pairs" Photons/Particles with the same spin and orientation.
Imagine watching a Cloud Chamber(watching particles) and you see 3 particles come literally from nowhere(positive/Negative and Neutral) and then collapse back into each other(annilation) and disappear?
Look at a florescent light, Believe it or not it is blinking on and off. But because our only can detect 30(I think about there) oscilations per second, It appears to be on All the time. What if Matter was blinking on and off faster than we could perceive? We would never know it. (note: Our instruments are blinking also)...
in this case here is my suggestion.......
a plane flys in an atmosphere subject to change and reaction,itself being part of the cause for reaction....while there are calculable ways to land and fly a plane, there is always an X this case an x factor with a problem..... so what is true of an aircraft at say 100mph is not the same @ 200....
its more complicated than just more air passing by a wing......
the reaction phase /ratio is thrown off into a tizzy........