A While back there was a post on When/Where Baptised... I thought I'd do the complete opposite :)
As for me.... sometime in the near future maybe
a while back there was a post on when/where baptised... i thought i'd do the complete opposite :).
as for me.... sometime in the near future maybe
A While back there was a post on When/Where Baptised... I thought I'd do the complete opposite :)
As for me.... sometime in the near future maybe
more on remote viewers.
i'm not sure if it's decent protocol to bring it up under a new heading .
1. it's 8 pages deep already.
Use a Gravity Bong, you get extremely f*cked up in one hit and you use less weed. Trust me on this ;)
just wondering if anyone here has ever a supernatural experience.. whether it be seeing a ghost/angel/demon, ufo encounter.. etc..
ICK, Microsoft = Hell(Bill Gates is Satan)
Linux= Penguin(OUR TRUE GOD)
more on remote viewers.
i'm not sure if it's decent protocol to bring it up under a new heading .
1. it's 8 pages deep already.
just wanted to bring this back up.
just wondering if anyone here has ever a supernatural experience.. whether it be seeing a ghost/angel/demon, ufo encounter.. etc..
I didnt mean the US Gov, i didnt even say the US Gov ( I dont think) I ment gov's in general. In my opinion tho, most Gov's that are advanced enough to do these experiments, (Russia, US, Great Britain, Japan, Etc.) Could possible cover things up. Sorry I even brought up the evolution thing, anything else i should retract? :)
just wondering if anyone here has ever a supernatural experience.. whether it be seeing a ghost/angel/demon, ufo encounter.. etc..
Sorry, i do tend to get a little carried away at times... ok alot.... ok im a frekin idiot at times. The point I was tryin to get across at the time with area 51 is that the government does cover things up. For example what does go on at Area 51. Thats all, sorry I went a little overboard there... I just like a good debate :)
just wondering if anyone here has ever a supernatural experience.. whether it be seeing a ghost/angel/demon, ufo encounter.. etc..
Also, not to mention that "Anti-Gravity" experiments as they are called are only referred to as that for the fact that they Repel the forces of gravity. If true anti-gravity existed, then the experiment itself would be slung out into space and anything around it would be repeled as all objects that have mass, create its own gravitational field. Thats elementary science dude, watch a little Magic Schoolbuss once ina while.. :P :)
just wondering if anyone here has ever a supernatural experience.. whether it be seeing a ghost/angel/demon, ufo encounter.. etc..
Jeeze dude, The nature of science as you seem to think you know goes this way..
Theory or Hypothisis
Formulate facts from the experiment
Conspiracies are scientific theories...
The next step in the process is usually stopped before and anything can be proven. Example, Area 51. The government denies its absolute exsistence however it IS proven that the location exists. If anyone even attempts to cross the border of the grounds, they are removed with extreme force. The theory of evolution for example is still just that, a theory. Not proven yet, however most all in the scientific community believe and use it as fact. How about you? You seem to love science so much, do you believe in the "theory" of evolution?
just wondering if anyone here has ever a supernatural experience.. whether it be seeing a ghost/angel/demon, ufo encounter.. etc..
Not true Hojon... If its something that the Government does not want other governments to know about, they have been known to have the scientist silenced, and anyone who thinks its possible, paid off. Anti-gravity does in fact exist amongst magnetic, and that has been proven. Simple by placing a small magnet over a small amount of liquid nitrogen, this method can be used to create some sort of device in that effect. As far as ghosts go, I always thought it would be cool to be something like that. I hope im a ghost when I die :)
read about dr. spindler's research at www.lef.org.. caloric restriction can markedly reverse aging changes in .
its effects are already proven in monkeys.
Wait theres more to life than sex??? Oh, yea, Drugs and RocknRoll