There are good reasons not to put your trust in the WT. The decisions that they make, especially during difficult times are hard to understand. I give you an example:
Sometime during the 70s a directive came from Brooklyn to open up on a certain day all the Kingdom Halls. This was a clear violation of the Government prohibition, and it was an act of civil disobedience in a country where those things are not tolerated. Don’t trust me on this but I think that D-Day was on “human rights day”.
The brothers faithfully and bravely proceeded to open up the KHs and whole congregations of families went to the meetings. As expected the response from the authorities was swift, patrol cars came to the different KHs, interrupted the meeting and arrested the leaders. Some of them went to prison as a result of this and a lot of the younger brothers were taken from the meeting to concentration camps.
Before and after the meeting the families attending were subjected to all sort of abuses from governments mobs, including stoning, egg throwing, spitting and a lot of insults hurdled at them.
A complete an unnecessary mess that accomplished nothing and made the situation worse for the flock.
Good for now, another day I will tell why the WT did this.