I am going to insertsomething here because it might be an item in the mind of some of the readers.
That is how did thefriends managed to carry over their spiritual obligations?
I will focus on thehard times; the degree of persecution was related to your location. In thecapital and other larger cities it was less, smaller towns were the worse andsometimes dislikes for other reasons will spill over into the governmentalcontrol.
For meetings thenorm was to have them in private homes on a different day and time every week.The attendance was never more than 10 including the family, there was onemeeting weekly and everything was considered on that day; the material was condensedand new ones were not invited until they have proven themselves to be reliable.
Preaching was notdone in an organized manner, attire was street like sometimes even workclothes; the last thing that the friends wanted to do was to bring attention tothemselves. A lot of the preaching was done with reliable people that werefriendly to our work, if you were going to take a chance and go house to house,this was more like block to block. This will be one house here and another onthe next block or two to three blocks apart.
As a protection itwas recommended to take with you some work tools, in the event that you werestopped your first line of defense was that you were looking of some work as arepairman. Service was always in pairs and while one was preaching, the otherone was surveying the neighborhood looking for anything suspicious.
The danger wasbigger for males than females and in reality all of these things were nervewrecking experiences, at that time we did it without too much concern likesomething that had to be done.