From what I am hearing there is very little written information here in CA. A team of "commissars" is coordinating matters and telling the elders how to proceed. One item of interest is the money aspect, from what I heard the funds from the dissolved congregations are going to "mother" and the friends are coming to the new congregations empty handed; new arrangements will be made with regards to KH contributions.
Posts by Hecce
Major congregational quake in Southern California
by Hecce inthis notice is not official yet and it should be confidential until released thru the proper channels.
a friend of mine told me about a huge elders meeting in southern california.
the subject was the relocation and dissolution of some congregations; it seems that this is the result of some project that has been going on for some time and is going to be implemented right now.. please let me know if this is happening all over the country?.
Spanish Forum is being shut down
by ILoveTTATT2 inapparently the spanish forum,, is being shut down coming's pretty sad.
there is still so much work to do to help people in latin america and spain come out of this cult!.
Well, it has been down for two days; should be for technical reasons but it is leaving a huge void for the ones that are addicted to it.
Selloff Hinted At Assembly
by thedepressedsoul inthe last talk at the assembly made an interesting statement, "we can show faith by following direction if we're asked to move to another kingdom hall for better use of dedicated christian funds".
this statement has everyone talking.
i spoke to multiple individuals and they heard the same thing at different assembly's.. i know they have been "evaluating" all kingdom halls the last year or two.
Is going on right now.
Spanish Forum is being shut down
by ILoveTTATT2 inapparently the spanish forum,, is being shut down coming's pretty sad.
there is still so much work to do to help people in latin america and spain come out of this cult!.
sp74bb, ILoveTATT2 or anyone else: Do the owners of the Spanish Forum give any reasons for the closure in December?
The majority of the people familiar with the Forum closure understand the owner's reasoning. They have taken care and buried three of their elderly parents and right now they are dealing with only surviving one left, she is in a very delicate condition. So they are overwhelmed.
They have given ample time and are willing to allow for the transfer of the information. Simon's offer will be a blessing for the Spanish community.
Major congregational quake in Southern California
by Hecce inthis notice is not official yet and it should be confidential until released thru the proper channels.
a friend of mine told me about a huge elders meeting in southern california.
the subject was the relocation and dissolution of some congregations; it seems that this is the result of some project that has been going on for some time and is going to be implemented right now.. please let me know if this is happening all over the country?.
The latest that I heard is that the project is moving forward, right now the elders have the information as to the Congregations that will be merging and the brothers have been relocated by area without any concern for any personal preferences or circumstances.
Going by past experiences they will just follow the leader.
Double speak of the Watchtower
by never a jw insorry, this may have been covered ad nauseam before, but since it is blatant double speak of the watchtower, i felt it would be good to write a reminder of that.
below is an extract where the watchtower makes an effort to point out to the royal commission that among their members there are professionals with higher education, such as doctors and lawyers.
what they conveniently fail to mention is that the wt leadership repeatedly in writing and in approved public speeches discourages, even denigrate the pursuit of higher education.
At some point "double speak" becomes a lie, the Watchtower is way, way past that point.
Successes you enjoyed since leaving the Org
by Tallon inthought i would start a discussion, and hopefully a positive one, on what successes you’ve enjoyed since leaving the org.. each of us is different as people, in life experiences etc.
however we all share one common factor in that we have all experienced the negativity, to a greater or lesser degree, of being a jw and the org.. each success is worth celebrating so i invite you to share some of your achievements.
it does not matter how ‘big or small’ it is, share it with us.. my achievement means a great deal to me both personally and professionally.
We have been out for over 5 decades and pursued a life based on our family and making art.It seems that you split early enough to have a chance to do something with your life, for some others not much of a chance to accomplish anything; just the mere satisfaction of freedom and being able to help others.
Is Watchtower now loosening the bedroom rules?
by OneGenTwoGroups ini was at my assembly when this was discussed last week.
of course i hadn't prepared and i heard "no rules about limits", or at least i thought i did.. here's the direct quote from the watchtower study article.. "although the bible does not provide specific rules about the kinds and limits of love play that might be associated with natural sexual intimacy, it mentions displays of affection.
the watchtower (study edition) august 2016 : making christian marriage a success, paragraph 8.. what say you?.
Chook12 hours agoThre were brothers in the old times who's spouses were made to feel guilty for these displays of affection and they stupidity approached elders and confessed such "sins" which resulted in divorced marriages, wrecked children ,all because some guys in Brooklyn thought they were Gods mouthpiece . Going beyond what's written is the orgs biggest sin.
You are so right, getting the elders inside your bed is the worse thing that you can do; nothing good is going to come out of that.
Spanish Forum is being shut down
by ILoveTTATT2 inapparently the spanish forum,, is being shut down coming's pretty sad.
there is still so much work to do to help people in latin america and spain come out of this cult!.
Yes, it was a sad day with the end of the Forum announcement. It seems that there is a combined effort from some of the friends to create a new forum and rescue all the information on this one.
Thanks to the Administrators for their many years of hosting and sharing.
Fidel Castro and the WT
by Hecce ini am going to engage on a trip to the past and share with you some of the matters that marked the beginning of the jws persecution in cuba.
you will be surprised that the pattern that was followed is very similar to what happened in other dictatorial countries.. in the cuban case, i am going to surprise you and tell you that like what happened with hitler; the wt was partially responsible for their clash and confrontation with the cuban government.
during the early 60s the revolution was fighting for survival and they were willing and ready to demolish any perceived enemy to their cause.. a prime example was their war against the catholic church that was the most influential religious entity in the country; it took the supreme leader only a few public discourses to send the vast majority of clergy packing and back to their country, in this case spain.. the jehovah’s witnesses were an insignificant minority but they over estimated their importance and displayed a belligerent attitude, it was known that this was a us based religion and an easy target to connect them with the cia.
This character Humberto Godinez served as a special pioneer or CO in Havana, Cuba; he was the person that started the whole witch hunt against Raymond Franz and Company. He is mentioned in COC.
On April 14, eight days before Schroeder returned my call, a Witness in New York named Joe Gould phoned the Brooklyn Service Department and talked to Harley Miller, a member of the five-man Service Department Committee.25 He told Miller that a fellow employee, a Cuban Witness named Humberto Godínez, had told him of a conversation in his home with a friend who was a Bethel family member. He said that the Bethel family member expressed himself on a number of points that differed from the organization’s teachings. Miller recommended to Gould that he try to find out from Godínez the name of the Bethel family member. This was done and the name of Cris Sánchez was supplied. Godínez also said that my name and those of Ed Dunlap and René Vázquez came into the conversation.