Going back to the Cuban saga, I will re state that a lot of unconventional things happened during that time. Sometimes the most trusted brothers proved to be not that faithful, I will give you an example.
When there were only 2 DOs serving the whole country, one of them was a brother of humble origins, well liked and very capable; on top of that he was a very handsome man. He got married way up, he was a country boy and got married to a socialite from the capital, real royalty.
His duties during that time included picking up the remittances and cash from the circuits and congregations in his district. He will take them to the Branch and return with the receipts showing that there were delivered. To the shock of the majority of the brothers it was discovered that he was pocketing some of the money by making false remittances and creating fake receipts upon returning.
This was a major scandal and he was disfellowshipped, in time he came to USA, asked for reinstatement and was told that prior to that he had to return the money that he stole. I don't know all the details but it seems like he did it because he was eventually reinstated.