Posts by Hecce
Chairman of the St Petersburg-based Administrative Centre of JWs issues press release - Forum 18
by OrphanCrow inaccording to the latest forum 18 article, this is what happened in russia on march 15:.
with immediate effect, a 15 march suspension order forbids the administrative centre and all its local religious organisations from "using state and municipal news media, organising and conducting assemblies, rallies, demonstrations, processions, picketing, and other mass actions or public events, and using bank deposits, with the exception of use for making payments connected with their economic activity, compensating for losses (damages) caused by their actions, and paying taxes, fees, or fines, and making payments based on labour contracts" .
Maybe the Russian Government remembers the mass demonstrations in France over the issue of taxation. -
Spanish: Child abuses within JW. Fact and evidence video
by sp74bb inthe independent evangelical tv media in latinoamérica, tvgracia, has made a special program of 35 min in spanish regarding how abuses are managed within jw:.
This is "tot for tat". The Watchtower doesn't mind pointing all fingers to another group.
Shocking Admission on Univision: Obama Policy Led To Rockville Rape
by Hecce inshocking admission on univision: obama policy led to rockville rape.
by jorge bonilla | march 22, 2017 | 1:06 am edt.
below is a full transcript of the above referenced segment as it aired on noticiero univision on march 21st, 2017.. maria elena salinas, univision anchor: well...much indignation has been caused by the brutal rape of a student- a young student that...had been abused by some central american teenagers.
Rockville Rape Suspect an ‘Unjust Scapegoat by the Opponents of Recent Immigration Practices’
Shocking Admission on Univision: Obama Policy Led To Rockville Rape
by Hecce inshocking admission on univision: obama policy led to rockville rape.
by jorge bonilla | march 22, 2017 | 1:06 am edt.
below is a full transcript of the above referenced segment as it aired on noticiero univision on march 21st, 2017.. maria elena salinas, univision anchor: well...much indignation has been caused by the brutal rape of a student- a young student that...had been abused by some central american teenagers.
Suspects in Rockville rape case were detained at U.S.-Mexico border in 2016
Shocking Admission on Univision: Obama Policy Led To Rockville Rape
by Hecce inshocking admission on univision: obama policy led to rockville rape.
by jorge bonilla | march 22, 2017 | 1:06 am edt.
below is a full transcript of the above referenced segment as it aired on noticiero univision on march 21st, 2017.. maria elena salinas, univision anchor: well...much indignation has been caused by the brutal rape of a student- a young student that...had been abused by some central american teenagers.
Reading about the age o consent in Maryland, there seems to be a provision regarding 4 years age difference after age 14, maybe this attorney is talking about that.
Shocking Admission on Univision: Obama Policy Led To Rockville Rape
by Hecce inshocking admission on univision: obama policy led to rockville rape.
by jorge bonilla | march 22, 2017 | 1:06 am edt.
below is a full transcript of the above referenced segment as it aired on noticiero univision on march 21st, 2017.. maria elena salinas, univision anchor: well...much indignation has been caused by the brutal rape of a student- a young student that...had been abused by some central american teenagers.
Henry Sanchez Milian, one of two suspects charged in the rape of a 14-year-old girl in a bathroom at a Maryland high school did not do what he is accused of, his defense attorney said Wednesday.
“Based on everything we know, we think he’s innocent,” said Andrew Jezic, who has been retained by Sanchez Milian’s family. “This appears to have been a consensual encounter.”
Shocking Admission on Univision: Obama Policy Led To Rockville Rape
by Hecce inshocking admission on univision: obama policy led to rockville rape.
by jorge bonilla | march 22, 2017 | 1:06 am edt.
below is a full transcript of the above referenced segment as it aired on noticiero univision on march 21st, 2017.. maria elena salinas, univision anchor: well...much indignation has been caused by the brutal rape of a student- a young student that...had been abused by some central american teenagers.
Maryland high school rape case sparks immigration row
On Tuesday night, demonstrators outside the school chanted "safety not sanctuary", a reference to sanctuary cities, where local authorities turn a blind eye to residents without legal US residency.
Montgomery County Police Capt James Humphries said he believed the victim of the alleged rape was a US citizen.
A spokesman for Immigration and Customs Enforcement confirmed that border agents had encountered Henry Sanchez near the US-Mexico border in Texas last August.
He was freed and ordered to appear before an immigration judge, but no court date was set.
According to the Washington Post, Henry Sanchez spent 17 years of his life in his native Guatemala.
Jose Montano lived in El Salvador for 16 years, according to court documents.
Earlier his week, Maryland lawmakers in the Democratic-controlled legislature passed a bill designed to prevent police from stopping people to ask about their immigration status.
Republican Governor Larry Hogan said the legislation would make it more difficult for the state to co-operate with immigration investigations.
He has vowed to veto the bill.
Shocking Admission on Univision: Obama Policy Led To Rockville Rape
by Hecce inshocking admission on univision: obama policy led to rockville rape.
by jorge bonilla | march 22, 2017 | 1:06 am edt.
below is a full transcript of the above referenced segment as it aired on noticiero univision on march 21st, 2017.. maria elena salinas, univision anchor: well...much indignation has been caused by the brutal rape of a student- a young student that...had been abused by some central american teenagers.
I am sorry to disappoint the critics, it is obvious that you have no idea of what you are talking about. Maria Elena Salinas, Pablo Gato, Joseph Malouf, Jorge Bonilla and Univision are pro immigrant, amnesty seekers and generally in favor of the Spanish speaking people. That is the reason for the heading of the item:
Shocking Admission on Univision
Tape of the interview with English translation:
But I guess that it is better to just called it "racism".
Shocking Admission on Univision: Obama Policy Led To Rockville Rape
by Hecce inshocking admission on univision: obama policy led to rockville rape.
by jorge bonilla | march 22, 2017 | 1:06 am edt.
below is a full transcript of the above referenced segment as it aired on noticiero univision on march 21st, 2017.. maria elena salinas, univision anchor: well...much indignation has been caused by the brutal rape of a student- a young student that...had been abused by some central american teenagers.
his OP is rank race baiting.FYI: Univision is the source of this information, this is the main National Spanish channel in the US, rabid pro immigrant and their main anchor is Jorge Ramos who is the main voice of the pro amnesty among the Spanish news people.
I made no comments, just presented the news item. If there is racism in informing the public it will be coming from Univision.
Difficult to understand your statement cited above.
Shocking Admission on Univision: Obama Policy Led To Rockville Rape
by Hecce inshocking admission on univision: obama policy led to rockville rape.
by jorge bonilla | march 22, 2017 | 1:06 am edt.
below is a full transcript of the above referenced segment as it aired on noticiero univision on march 21st, 2017.. maria elena salinas, univision anchor: well...much indignation has been caused by the brutal rape of a student- a young student that...had been abused by some central american teenagers.
Shocking Admission on Univision: Obama Policy Led To Rockville Rape
By Jorge Bonilla | March 22, 2017 | 1:06 AM EDT
Below is a full transcript of the above referenced segment as it aired on Noticiero Univision on March 21st, 2017.
MARIA ELENA SALINAS, UNIVISION ANCHOR: Well...much indignation has been caused by the brutal rape of a student- a young student that...had been abused by some Central American teenagers. But aside from the cruelty of that crime, the status of the defendants and the handling of their cases, it (the Rockville rape) is further agitating the climate of hostility towards immigrants. We now go to Pablo Gato with the latest information. Over to you, Pablo.
PABLO GATO, UNIVISION CORRESPONDENT: Indeed, this horrible act occurred just behind where we are standing, at the Rockville High School, at the high school in Rockville (Maryland). We're talking about a girl, just 13 years old, who was walking down the hallway when these two persons allegedly took her to the bathroom and raped her there. Those two persons are: José Montano of El Salvador -17 years old, and Henry Sánchez of Guatemala -18 years old. And in midst of all this controversy over immigration and President Trump, the issue made it to the White House. Let's listen to what the White House Press Secretary had to say:
SEAN SPICER, WHITE HOUSE PRESS SECRETARY: This young woman, in particular, fought to come to this country legally because of the freedoms and the treasures of this nation. ... The president recognizes that education is a state-run and a local-run issue, but I think it is cause for concern what happened there. I think the city should look at its policies...immigration pays its toll on our people if it's not done legally...and this is why the president is so passionate about this.
PABLO GATO, UNIVISION CORRESPONDENT: The great controversy arises because Sánchez, 18, was arrested seven months ago in Texas, and released by ICE. And we are joined by immigration attorney Joseph Malouf. Tell us: If this had occurred now, with President Trump’s new executive order, what would the situation be?
JOSEPH MALOUF, IMMIGRATION LAWYER: It would be different, because they would have arrested Mr. Sanchez and they would have detained him, and eventually he would have been deported. He wouldn’t have been able to enter the area and obviously commit this crime.
PABLO GATO, UNIVISION CORRESPONDENT: What's going to happen to these kids now?
JOSEPH MALOUF, IMMIGRATION LAWYER: Well, they have to face charges in court, with a trial- whether with a jury or without- be sentenced if they are found guilty, of course...and if they are found guilty (they will) serve their sentence, and would only be deported upon serving their sentence.
PABLO GATO, UNIVISION CORRESPONDENT: Many thanks, Counsel. It must be said that this is not a sanctuary city and that the state has said that it will cooperate fully with ICE and with the authorities. In a press conference, the school administrator said that they will not ask for papers from anyone at this achool and thay this does not at all represent the community and that this is, obviously, an exception. It must also be said that in spite of the fact that this is a horrible incident, obviously, a recent Pew study indicated that undocumenteds commit far fewer crimes in this country, and that there are 80,000 rapes a year in the United States, but, of course, this has been a horrible act.