For many years asking publishers to change congregations and go to their territory was considered "anathema"; one of the most difficult tasks to accomplish. The way and efficiency of this program is really scary, it is almost a "Jim Jones" effect; people complied without much of a peep.
Posts by Hecce
Major congregational quake in Southern California
by Hecce inthis notice is not official yet and it should be confidential until released thru the proper channels.
a friend of mine told me about a huge elders meeting in southern california.
the subject was the relocation and dissolution of some congregations; it seems that this is the result of some project that has been going on for some time and is going to be implemented right now.. please let me know if this is happening all over the country?.
Anyone know what the special talk is this weekend?
by charity7 innon jw so thank you for bearing with me.
do special talks happen with individual congregations or is it throughout?
i was told by my husband that i had to go with him and the rest of his family to the special talk that was happening this weekend.
The Bible foretold that “the last days” would be marked by selfishness and hatred (2Ti 3:1-3)
Some victims of injustice retaliate with violence, fueling further anger (w07 4/15 4; g 6/11 5-6)
How can we keep from becoming consumed by anger?
Jehovah God hates injustice and promises to eliminate it [Read Psalm 37:10, 11]
Human political solutions and protest movements are not God’s means of bringing justice (Da 7:13, 14)
God will use his Son, Jesus Christ, to remove all who oppress their fellow man (Ps 72:13, 14)
The Bible refers to the time when God will remove the wicked as “the day of Jehovah’s anger” (Zep 2:2)
Unlike human anger, God’s anger is always justified and never excessive (it-1 108)
When God acts, the result will be an “abundance of peace” earth wide
To benefit, we must cooperate with Jehovah’s way of correcting injustice (Zep 2:3)
[Read and discuss key portions of Romans 12:18-21]
Verse 18: “If possible, as far as it depends on you, be peaceable with all men”
Show your support for God’s solution to injustice by choosing to be peaceable
Avoid association with people who lash out in anger or who advocate vengeance (Pr 22:24, 25)
Verse 19: “Do not avenge yourselves, beloved, but yield place to the wrath; for it is written: ‘“Vengeance
is mine; I will repay,” says Jehovah’ ”
Retaliation is self-destructive and feeds a cycle of hatred (w09 9/1 21-23)
Instead of retaliating, strengthen your faith that Jehovah God will act
Imitate Jesus, who had confidence that God would avenge unjust treatment (1Pe 2:23)
Verse 20: “But ‘if your enemy is hungry, feed him; if he is thirsty, give him something to drink’ ”
Break the cycle of anger and revenge by looking for ways to do good even to “your enemy”
A primary way to do good to others is to share with them the Bible’s hope of relief from injustice (yb09
Verse 21: “Do not let yourself be conquered by the evil”
If you feel powerless before oppressors, do not direct your frustration toward family or friends
Seek support from a mature friend whose thinking agrees with God’s (g05 2/22 19-20)
Pour out your feelings to Jehovah in prayer (Ps 37:5, 6; 55:22)
Verse 21: “But keep conquering the evil with the good”
Be willing to forgive others whenever there is a basis for doing so (Eph 4:31, 32; g95 6/8 10 °6-7)
Let go of resentment and leave matters in Jehovah’s hands (w13 6/15 20-21 °15-16; w00 8/15 5, box)
God’s holy spirit can empower a person to overcome deeply rooted anger (2Co 10:4, 5; Php 4:13)
Ask God for help to replace angry thoughts with compassionate, peaceful ones (w10 6/15 24 °18-19)
Many have applied Bible principles on peaceableness and enjoyed blessings as a result
They have broken free from a violent course (g 6/12 19-21; g 6/11 6-7; g03 1/8 18-20)
They have enjoyed better health and greater happiness (Pr 14:30; Mt 5:5, 9; g 5/06 28-29)
Some have helped former opposers to change (Ro 12:20, ftn; yb10 63-64)
Victims of injustice cannot change the past, but they can look forward to a bright future [Read Psalm 37:8, 9]
We invite you to continue associating with Jehovah’s Witnesses and learning to ‘hope in Jehovah’
[Adhere closely to the outlined material, and observe the indicated timing of each section. Not all cited texts
need to be read or commented on. See Ministry School book, pages 52-55, 166-169]
Note to the speaker:
Make a tender appeal to victims of injustice to let go of anger and leave their frustrations in Jehovah’s hands.
Use verified experiences to illustrate the superiority of Christian peaceableness over protest and retaliation
˘ 2016 Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Pennsylvania
Another recorded Judicial Meeting...
by NikL ini've listened to quite a few but for some reason, this one has me really angry.. my heart goes out to the young family dealing with this bull shite.. give a listen....
I didn't listen to the recording. I gather that this was at the conclusion of the audience:
"You've been disfellowshipped for apostasy, we have a few Scriptures we'd like to share with you ... "
It is very strange because after you DF an individual you don't share anything else spiritual with him, like a scripture or prayer; any texts will be mentioning prior to communicating the disfellowshiping and probably as the basis for the action.
Castro v Bushman
by Richard Oliver inbelen castro sued the toppenish congregation along with watchtower bible and tract society of new york and watchtower bible and tract society, because she was molested when she was 11 and 12 years old.
he had sued virgil bushman, the perpetrator, but that was settled prior.
watchtower along with the congregation won the motion for summary judgment and belen then appealed the decision.
Sounds reasonable
Have a friend who only speaks Spanish and want him/her to learn TTATT?
by ILoveTTATT2 inif you have a friend who only speaks spanish, or they speak english but spanish is their preferred language, i am pleased to tell you that there is a spanish translation of jwfacts in progress.
so far, these are the completely translated articles:asociación de la watchtower con las naciones unidas - un ngo associationcelebración de los cumpleaños - birthdayslas transfusiones de sangre - bloodpredicción fallida de 1975 - 1975¿por qué está mal el ser un testigo de jehová?
- what's wrong with being a jw?escándalos de la watchtower - watchtower scandalsexpulsión y rechazo - disfellowshippingfolleto general acerca de la watchtower - pdf - general pdf about wtvideo - crecer como testigo de jehová - growing up a jw¿debería estar jehová en el nuevo testamento?
Yes, JHK has been around for some time and normally he has inside information about the goings at the Branch. The other two sites are new and still stumbling.
Buena Suerte
Have a friend who only speaks Spanish and want him/her to learn TTATT?
by ILoveTTATT2 inif you have a friend who only speaks spanish, or they speak english but spanish is their preferred language, i am pleased to tell you that there is a spanish translation of jwfacts in progress.
so far, these are the completely translated articles:asociación de la watchtower con las naciones unidas - un ngo associationcelebración de los cumpleaños - birthdayslas transfusiones de sangre - bloodpredicción fallida de 1975 - 1975¿por qué está mal el ser un testigo de jehová?
- what's wrong with being a jw?escándalos de la watchtower - watchtower scandalsexpulsión y rechazo - disfellowshippingfolleto general acerca de la watchtower - pdf - general pdf about wtvideo - crecer como testigo de jehová - growing up a jw¿debería estar jehová en el nuevo testamento?
The EXTJ forum was closed by the owners at the end of last year, they have gone thru a difficult time taking care of their elderly parents and were just worn out.
Some of the friends are trying to get some other sites going, I am listing two of them. It seems rather difficult, since they are competing against each other; none has reached 100 members yet.
I am listing also the blog of JHK, it has going on for many years and has excellent material and following.
No prayer at public meetings?
by NikL ini was doing some research on another topic and i came across this from the march 1950 watchtower.... absence of prayer at public meetings!november 17, 1949dear brother:answering your query of the 9th instant regarding the absence of prayer in opening and closing our public meetings:it is certain that the public does not come to our public lectures in our kingdom hall or elsewhere to hear us pray, but do come to hear the advertised subject spoken upon by the speaker announced as competent to handle it.
our exemplar jesus held many public lectures, but there is no record that he opened or closed any of them with prayer.
there is no bible record that he opened up the sermon on the mount with prayer, or those open-air lectures after which he fed the multitude, first the 5,000 and then the 4,000. but there is a record that when he thus fed the multitudes he did offer prayer of thanksgiving to god before breaking the bread and fish and distributing the pieces to the hungry crowds.
KM 9/1972 Question Box Page 8
No prayer at public meetings?
by NikL ini was doing some research on another topic and i came across this from the march 1950 watchtower.... absence of prayer at public meetings!november 17, 1949dear brother:answering your query of the 9th instant regarding the absence of prayer in opening and closing our public meetings:it is certain that the public does not come to our public lectures in our kingdom hall or elsewhere to hear us pray, but do come to hear the advertised subject spoken upon by the speaker announced as competent to handle it.
our exemplar jesus held many public lectures, but there is no record that he opened or closed any of them with prayer.
there is no bible record that he opened up the sermon on the mount with prayer, or those open-air lectures after which he fed the multitude, first the 5,000 and then the 4,000. but there is a record that when he thus fed the multitudes he did offer prayer of thanksgiving to god before breaking the bread and fish and distributing the pieces to the hungry crowds.
Early 70s?
Since the public talk was "public" there was a 15 min break from the public meeting to the Watchtower Study.
Large suburb in California goes from 7 English congregations to 2
by traveb ini recently caught up with an old friend who lives in fremont, ca (yes, the same fremont where candace conti is from).
it’s a good-sized suburb of san jose, with around a population of 230,000. i lived there for a few years during the 90’s, and at the time there were 7 english jw congregations with the following names:.
north, central, south, niles, warm springs, mission hills, and irvington.
Happening all over, without the Northern California mitigating factors:
Major congregational quake in Southern California
Memorial - from disgusted to feeling sorry
by UBM101 ini went with my husband tonight for the first time.
it was pretty appalling how they lied about the 144k and everyone else.
then passing the wine and bread for nothing.
One item, on the one that I listened the name Jehovah was mentioned only once.