This was the description of the person involved:
digo... ser(por cortos dias, finalmente renuncie) un traductor oficial de parte del libro de Cedars? renuncie por considerar una injusticia se pusiera muy duro con la distribucion gratuita de su libro en ingles del Apostata reluctante. tenia yo una copia escaneada del libro (en ingles). por andar de bocon, dije que ya tenia una copia. el se irrito y armo todo un escandalo par aperseguir al creador/distribuidor de la copia. personalmente, si usa los servicios GRATUITOS de otros compaƱeros, para evitar pagar un servicio que su valor superaba llos 5 mil dolares, no debiera ser tan quisquilloso sobre que circulen copias de su libro gratuitas.
Google translation
I say ... be (for short days, finally give up) an official translator for part of Cedars' book? resign for considering an injustice would get very hard with the free distribution of his book in English of Reluctant Apostata. I had a scanned copy of the book (in English). for bocon walk, I said I already had a copy. He got irritated and set up a scandal to pursue the creator / distributor of the copy. personally, if you use the FREE services of other colleagues, to avoid paying a service whose value exceeded $ 5,000, you should not be so fussy about circulating free copies of your book.