exaggeration, if not a judgement
None of that, just the truth in regards to the subject matter that was the recent demise of Spanish Forums.
Now if you want to talk about exaggeration and judgement, look at what this newcomer is saying when comparing Spanish Forums with the English ones:
What they say that WT grows in the Hispanic languages is a mistake, in which the sites of these networks in both scope and quality are better than those of English-speaking
Hecce The quality of the sites in Spanish in facebook as in Google+, is not surpassed by any English group, it is, the scope is much greater, since it is social networks with many more followers than the particular blogs.
I visited the sites that he suggested and I was not impressed at all, I invite our Spanish speaking friends to go in and give their opinion about the high quality of those places. I didn't answer him because I was not interested in any confrontation, I answering your post due to the respect that I have for you.