They have this notation at the link, the
minor is not a JW, the family is.
Posts by Hecce
Policemen beat up 15-year-old JW boy
by darkspilver ina father complains that several policemen beat his 15 year old son "because the family is jehovah's witness and the black race".
see also
marzo 10, 2017 16:12Nota Aclaratoria sobre la golpiza al menor de edad en Morón. Luis Lemagne Milian, de solo 15 años de edad NO ES TESTIGO DE JEHOVÁ, sus padres y demás familiares si pertenecen a esa religión. Ha sido un error de redacción en el encabezamiento de la noticia. No obstante el peso de la crónica radica en la brutalidad de la policía. -
The Guardian: In Russia, the persecution of Jehovah’s Witnesses begins all over again
by AndersonsInfo in
in russia, the persecution of jehovah’s witnesses begins all over again.
giles fraser.
Sadly during the cold war the Watchtower was clearly on the anti soviet side, when I wrote about the Cuban experience I cited Awake 9/8/1960 page 16 under "Soviet master plan for world control" as an example of anti communist propaganda.
Most likely the current Russian Government has a lot memories and record about that time period and they don't have much use for the Watchtower.
Proscribing them is wrong.
Feelings of Betrayal After Catholic Church Is Leased to Coptic Parish
by Hecce ininteresting article showing the different attitudes between the watchtower and the catholic church.
when a kingdom hall or assembly hall is sold, we will have witnesses that are unhappy; none of them will dare to express that in public or do anything about it.
they know that one way or another that will result in retributions.. since their church was shut down in a round of parish mergers in 2015, the group has been fighting to reopen it through prayer vigils and a continued legal appeal before the vatican.
Thanks, a nice personal touch on this subject.
Feelings of Betrayal After Catholic Church Is Leased to Coptic Parish
by Hecce ininteresting article showing the different attitudes between the watchtower and the catholic church.
when a kingdom hall or assembly hall is sold, we will have witnesses that are unhappy; none of them will dare to express that in public or do anything about it.
they know that one way or another that will result in retributions.. since their church was shut down in a round of parish mergers in 2015, the group has been fighting to reopen it through prayer vigils and a continued legal appeal before the vatican.
Interesting article showing the different attitudes between the Watchtower and the Catholic Church. When a Kingdom Hall or Assembly Hall is sold, we will have witnesses that are unhappy; none of them will dare to express that in public or do anything about it. They know that one way or another that will result in retributions.
Since their church was shut down in a round of parish mergers in 2015, the group has been fighting to reopen it through prayer vigils and a continued legal appeal before the Vatican. But the archbishop of New York, Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan, has been pursuing a different plan, taking the matter of this East 62nd Street chapel to the pope himself.
On Sunday, the jewel-box-like sanctuary of Our Lady of Peace was opened for a Divine Liturgy service, a weekly sacrament of communion, but not a Roman Catholic one. At Cardinal Dolan’s direction, the archdiocese has granted a one-year lease to the local parish of the Coptic Orthodox Church, an ancient Christian denomination based in Egypt. The lease is the first stage of a plan to transform the church into the Coptic Church’s New York cathedral, an idea that both Cardinal Dolan and Coptic leaders say Pope Francis has blessed. -
Spain: Condemned the perpetrators of the pyramid scam 700 Jehovah's Witnesses
by JHK ingoogle translation:.
condemned the perpetrators of the pyramid scam 700 jehovah's witnesses.
barcelona, february 6.
Sentence is final 3/7/17, Google translation
The Supreme Court has confirmed the sentences of between three years and three and a half years of imprisonment for the four people responsible for a pyramid scheme that amounted to 39 million euros and affected more than 1,300 people throughout Spain, hundreds of them belonging to The Jehovah's Witnesses. The deception occurred between 1998 and 2002 through Rural New Life, SL, and Mutua Mas Vida, the latter an entity that was committed to guarantee non-invasive healthcare, which excluded blood transfusions in surgical interventions, vetoed in This religion, hence there are hundreds of affected Jehovah's Witnesses.
Juan Andrés Torrecillas Martínez, one of the founding partners of Rural New Life and former president of Mutua Mas Vida, and Diego Luna Sánchez, delegate of both entities in the Catalunya area, who took advantage of his position Of "elder" (a kind of pastor) in the Witnesses to convince hundreds of parishioners to sign investment contracts and insurance policies. Two sisters, María Mercedes and María Nieves Torres Salado, the first legal director of the two entities, and the second foundress and former secretary of the Council of Mutua Mas Vida, have been sentenced to three years in prison. The two were also designated executors executors of the founder and first president of Rural New Life, already deceased.
The judgment of the Supreme Court confirms that issued by the Barcelona Provincial Court on January 29, 2015, which condemned the four defendants for a continuing felony offense (with aggravated misconduct and to the detriment of notoriously important), in competition With an offense of insolvency punishable.
The Supreme Court has only partially estimated the appeal of the two women and has acquitted them for the crime of punishable insolvency.
According to the proven facts of the Audiencia de Barcelona, the purpose of Rural New Life, based in Seville, was to attract private investors through a commercial network distributed throughout Spain to invest in the real estate and stock market and Buy stakes in other companies. "However, the aforementioned accused decided - jointly and induced the spirit of unjust enrichment - to offer from 1999 as a decoy to future investors loan agreements (under the name Investment Plan and Plan Ahorro, henceforth PIN And PAN) in which a guaranteed return of between 10 and 13% was recorded, despite being fully aware that the capital would not be invested in any specific good that would produce such high dividends, "concluded the judges of Barcelona. "Conscious that only with the entrance of new capitals (pyramid) could they meet the obligations contracted, they established a network of branches (12 in all Spain)", to which they sent leaflets of propaganda where those interests were promised to Zero risk.
At the end of 1998, when many of the investors belonged to the Jehovah's Witnesses religious congregation, as a result of the fact that the majority of zone delegates were members of the zone and they offered the products PIN and PAN to the parishioners of their community , The first president of Rural New Wife (now deceased), another partner who is now in an unknown location, and Torrecillas, decided to expand and complete the fraudulent pyramid structure by founding Mutua MAS VIDA, an entity of an apparently caregiving nature that would serve to That the same investors already raised by Rural New Life SL, decided to acquire also shares as mutualists, in exchange for guaranteeing not only non-invasive health care that excluded any possibility of blood transfusions in surgical interventions, clinical treatment that prohibits said Religion, but also high interests of their economic contributions.
"In this way, thanks to the" blind faith "of the subscribers, the result was the sharing of the same religious ideal based on the immorality of every lie, which at the beginning of 2001 between the two entities already had almost 3,000 participants between investors and insured" , Indicates the sentence.
The Insurance Compensation Consortium entered into an agreement with 1,312 policyholders of Mutua Mas Vida for the acquisition and subrogation of 89.31% of each security or participation, worth 11 million euros. But the Consortium did not take over the corresponding credits from the Rural New Life mercantile, since it was a private company with a profit motive, and still had pending collection by the investors 27.9 million euros.
Need Information on San Miguel,Cuba Kingdom Halls
by Ephraim Jamin Vasquez Jr ingreetings fellow brothers and sisters,.
i'm looking to visit cuba and was thinking of traveling to san miguel, cuba and i was wondering if anyone has kingdom hall addresses (phone/address/location) want to visit my brothers there.
i do hope someone can help me, i'm out of options :).
Assuming that you have internal access to the WT site.
You see this weird request here.
For one reason or another you go in and search for the information on the internal section of the WT site.
Then you publish that information here.
Right away the WT internal counter intelligence will know that faithful Brother ----- is posting as ------- on an apostate site.
So just don’t do it, is an Inspector Closeau tactic.
A question to Non-US forum members.
by Spoletta innow that trump is on his way to making america great again, will you consider moving here where you can get the best healthcare and education that anyone with a lot of money can buy, plus the ability to buy all the guns you need to protect yourself?
and it gets better!
if you are caucasian, you need never worry about discrimination.. am anxious to hear your replies.
Agreed, wrong to interrupt and yell at the President; to show your opposition by not applauding is a tradition used by both parties.
And Obama was liying
A question to Non-US forum members.
by Spoletta innow that trump is on his way to making america great again, will you consider moving here where you can get the best healthcare and education that anyone with a lot of money can buy, plus the ability to buy all the guns you need to protect yourself?
and it gets better!
if you are caucasian, you need never worry about discrimination.. am anxious to hear your replies.
Here's how ABC News explained what happened:
A Republican member of Congress interrupted President Obama’s speech tonight on the floor of the House of Representatives to yell “You lie!” at the president, in reference to the president’s assertion that his proposals wouldn’t provide health insurance to illegal immigrants.
The Associated Press identified the member of Congress as Rep. Joe Wilson, R-S.C. The extraordinary outburst caused the president to pause briefly, and First Lady Michelle Obama to shake her head, as the emotions that have been on display all summer at town hall meetings spilled over into the Joint Session of Congress.
Asked about the interruption by ABC News, a Republican National Committee official did not confirm the identity of the heckler, but said: “The reality is the President was not telling the truth about illegal immigrants getting access to care under the bill.”There are now reports, that buttress Wilson, and the RNC's, claim. Today a Senate report outlined up to $750 million in ObamaCare subsidies for illegal aliens. Fox News reported:
llegal immigrants and individuals with unclear legal status wrongly benefited from up to $750 million in ObamaCare subsidies and the government is struggling to recoup the money, according to a new Senate report obtained by Fox News.
The report, produced by Republicans on the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, examined Affordable Care Act tax credits meant to defray the cost of insurance premiums. It found that as of June 2015, “the Administration awarded approximately $750 million in tax credits on behalf of individuals who were later determined to be ineligible because they failed to verify their citizenship, status as a national, or legal presence.”
The review found the credits went to more than 500,000 people – who are illegal immigrants or whose legal status was unclear due to insufficient records.The media, left, and even some in his own party attacked Wilson for his outburst. In the end, it turns out he was exactly right. Obama lied, about illegal immigrants gaining benefits under the then proposed law.
- See more at:
THIS Is How Muslim Mother “Fixes” Rape Of 2-Year-Old Granddaughter By Grandfather
by Hecce insaw this dated 2/26/2017, seems to be from 12/2015.. .
even in a religious culture that advocates the murder of victims as honorable, fathers and brothers are typically the perpetrators of horrific violence against female family members whose only crime was to be the victim of another, the killing of a child by its mother stands out as particularly unnatural and depraved.such a heinous act occurred recently in sohag, egypt when a mother of a two-year-old child took the life of her child rather than protect it from violent sexual assault by its own grandfather.. a muslim mother identified only as “merfat” was awakened by screams in the middle of the night and found her father, faraj, in the act of raping her daughter.. .
rather than acting out of a natural, protective instinct, the 23-year-old mother chose to shield her father from scandal as taught by muslim theology and sharia law.. merfat told authorities that she took her daughter, little grace ahmed, from the grandfather, placed her in a tub and held her head under water until the child drown.. alik akhmim, chief detective of the police in sohag told egyptian reporters that “traces of blood” had been found in the little girl’s anus, evidencing the degree of force and injury the child endured at the hands of her mother’s father.. this kind of act is referred to as an “honor killing” thought to place the reputation of the family above that of any individual member, and which is used to punish the victim rather than hold the perpetrator accountable.. murdering rape victims is common in countries and communities that adhere to sharia law where the crime is rarely reported for fear of exposing the family to shame.. “honor killing” is no longer limited to predominantly muslim countries or the middle east.
The sexual predation of 1,400 children in England is the tip of the iceberg.
September 3, 2014
As shocking as the Muslim-run sex ring in Rotherham, England may seem to some—1,400 British children as young as 11 plied with drugs before being passed around and sexually abused in cabs and kabob shops—the fact is that this phenomenon is immensely widespread. In the United Kingdom alone, it’s the fifth sex abuse ring led by Muslims to be uncovered.
Some years back in Australia, a group of “Lebanese Muslim youths” were responsible for a “series of brutal gang rapes” of “Anglo-Celtic teenage girls.” A few years later in the same country, four Muslim Pakistani brothers raped at least 18 Australian women, some as young as 13. Even in the United States, a gang of Somalis—Somalia being a Muslim nation where non-Muslims, primarily Christians, are ruthlessly persecuted—was responsible for abducting, buying, selling, raping and torturing young American girls as young as 12.
The question begs itself: If Muslim minorities have no fear of exploiting “infidel” women and children in non-Muslim countries—that is, where Muslims themselves are potentially vulnerable minorities—how are Muslims throughout the Islamic world, where they are dominant, treating their vulnerable, non-Muslim minorities?
The answer is a centuries-long, continents-wide account of nonstop sexual predation. Boko Haram’s abduction and enslavement of nearly 300, mostly Christian, schoolgirls last April in Nigeria is but the tip of the iceberg.
The difference between what happens in Nigeria and what happens in Western nations is based on what I call “Islam’s Rule of Numbers.” Wherever Muslims grow in numbers, Islamic phenomena intrinsic to the Muslim world—in this case, the sexual abuse of “infidel” children and teenagers—comes along with them.
Thus in the United Kingdom, where Muslims make for a sizeable—and notable—minority, the systematic rape of “subhuman infidels” naturally takes place. But when caught, Muslim minorities, being under “infidel” authority, cry “Islamophobia” and feign innocence.
In Nigeria, however, which is roughly 50 percent Islamic, such “apologetics” are unnecessary. After seizing the nearly 300 schoolgirls, the leader of Boko Haram appeared on videotape boasting that “I abducted your girls. I will sell them on the market, by Allah…. There is a market for selling humans. Allah says I should sell.”
It’s the same in Pakistan—the nation where many of the United Kingdom’s Muslims, including the majority involved in the Rotherham sex ring, come from. See this article for a long list of Christian children—as young as 2-years-old—who were targeted by Muslim men for abduction, enslavement, and rape. In every single case, police do nothing except sometimes side with the Muslim rapists against their “infidel” victims.
For example, last Easter Sunday, four Muslim men gang-raped a 7-year-old Christian girl named Sara, leaving her in “critical condition.” According to Asia News, “the police, instead of arresting the culprits, helped the local clan to kidnap the girl’s father… to ‘force the family not to report the story, to reach an agreement with the criminals and to avoid a dispute of a religious background.’”
As for systematic child grooming, in 2010, Kiran George, a Christian girl who was “enslaved by a woman, Sama, a dealer of youth to be sold as prostitutes or slaves to wealthy Muslim families,” was doused with gasoline by a police officer involved in the sex ring, set on fire, and burned to death.
And a recent report confirms that “an estimated 700 cases [of abduction, enslavement, and/or rape in Pakistan] per year involve Christian women, 300 Hindu girls”—very large numbers when one considers that Christians and Hindus each make for one percent of the population of Pakistan, which is about 97 percent Muslim.
One can go on and on. In 2011 a Christian groupin Muslim-majority Egypt
exposed a highly organized Muslim ring centered in the Fatah Mosque in Alexandria. The investigation also uncovered a systematic “religious call” plan, where young Muslim males in high school and university are urged to approach Coptic girls in the 9-15 age group and manipulate them through sexual exploitation and blackmail. The plan … aims at sexually compromising Christian girls, defiling them and humiliating them in front of their parents, thereby forcing them to flee their homes, and use conversion to Islam as a “solution” for their problems.
Approximately 550 Coptic Christian girls have been abducted and sexually abused by Muslim men during the last three years—especially under the Muslim Brotherhood’s aegis, when sexual crimes were particularly widespread.
So what animates this phenomenon of Muslim on non-Muslim rape? And we must call it Muslim rape since Islam is the common denominator in all these cases from otherwise diverse nations that have little in common except for large numbers of Muslims.
As for the pedophilia aspect, Muhammad—the prophet of Islam whom the Koran exhorts Muslims to emulate in every possible way—was “betrothed” to a six-year-old girl, Aisha, “consummating” their marriage when she was nine-years-old. Accordingly, Islam’s clerics routinely defend child “marriage”—sometimes even if the girl is still in the cradle—based on the example of the prophet.
As for the subhuman treatment of “infidel” children, this is seen as a right by supremacist Muslims. Discussing the 2010 rape of a 9-year-old Christian girl, local sources in Pakistan put it well: “It is shameful. Such incidents occur frequently. Christian girls are considered goods to be damaged at leisure. Abusing them is a right. According to the [Muslim] community’s mentality it is not even a crime. Muslims regard them as spoils of war.”
“Spoils of war” is quite correct. Here is how the late Majid Khadduri, “internationally recognized as one of the world’s leading authorities on Islamic law and jurisprudence,” explained the idea of “spoils” in his War and Peace in the Law of Islam:
The term spoil (ghanima) is applied specifically to property acquired by force from non-Muslims. It includes, however, not only property (movable and immovable) but also persons, whether in the capacity of asra (prisoners of war) or sabi (women and children). … If the slave were a woman, the master was permitted to have sexual connection with her as a concubine.
Nor is this limited to academic talk. Last year, Jordanian Sheikh Yasir al-‘Ajlawni said Muslims fighting to topple “infidel” president Bashar Assad in Syria are permitted to “capture and have sex with” all non-Sunni women, including Shia Muslims, Alawites, Christians, Druze, and Yazidis.
Before him, Egyptian Sheikh Ishaq Huwaini lamented how during the heydays of Islam, “You [could] go to the market and buy her [enslaved, infidel concubines for sale]…. In other words, when I want a sex-slave, I go to the market and pick whichever female I desire and buy her.”
In order to eliminate sexual immorality from among male Muslim youth, Kuwaiti political activist Salwa al-Mutairi suggested the formal reinstitution of sex-slavery—not unlike what was recently exposed in Rotherham. She said on video that Islam’s greatest authorities from Mecca, the city of Islam, all confirmed the legality of sex-slavery to her. According to the Kuwaiti woman:
A Muslim state must [first] attack a Christian state—sorry, I mean any non-Muslim state—and they [the women, the future sex-slaves] must be captives of the raid. Is this forbidden? Not at all; according to Islam, sex slaves are not at all forbidden. Quite the contrary, the rules regulating sex-slaves differ from those for free women [i.e., Muslim women]: the latter’s body must be covered entirely, except for her face and hands, whereas the sex-slave is kept naked from the bellybutton on up—she is different from the free woman; the free woman has to be married properly to her husband, but the sex-slave—he just buys her and that’s that…. For example, in the Chechnya war, surely there are female Russian captives. So go and buy those and sell them here in Kuwait; better that than have our men engage in forbidden sexual relations. I don’t see any problem in this, no problem at all.”
What happened in Rotherham is hardly an aberration. Rather, it is Islam coming to town, Muslims growing in numbers. Even Dr. Taj Hargey, a British imam, just confirmed that the majority of the UK’s “imams promote grooming rings.” He said Muslim men are taught that women are “second-class citizens, little more than chattels or possessions over whom they have absolute authority” and that the imams preach a doctrine “that denigrates all women, but treats whites with particular contempt.”
Change “whites” to “non-Muslims”—this is not about race but religion—and the experiences of those 1,400 children in Rotherham is one with the experiences of countless non-Muslim minorities throughout the Islamic world.
An American Working in Mexico [Verified]
by Hecce inpartial, complete at link:.
i spent five years working in mexico.. i worked under a tourist visa for three months and could legally renew it for three more months.
after that you were working illegally.
Immigrant, Economically Active
When you want to acquire permanent residency AND you want to work in Mexico:
You should apply for a Permanent Resident Visa commensurate with the economic activity you want to undertake. Some common examples of economic activities which qualify for this visa are: a company-sponsored job, or an invitation to carry out academic or scientific research. If you have ~100,000 US dollars to invest in a Mexican company you can apply for an investor’s visa under this category.