carla9 years ago
I have given this out many times but darn if I didn't save it somewhere so I have to keep retyping it, so here it is. I have sent the letter to the local kh & NY and told my jw to keep them away and still the persist. The wt considers the letter good for only one year. Many kh's do not have mailboxes so if you attempt to sent locally it will be returned to you.
Watchtower Bible and Tract Society
25 Columbia Heights
Brooklyn, Ny 11201-2483
Dear Sirs,
Please notify all members of your congregation that consent, implied or otherwise, to visit my property at the address stated above for any purpose relating
to the work of Jehovah's Witnesses or the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society has been revoked.
I will consider any future visits to be an act of willful trespass and may prosecute to the full extent of the law, civil or criminal.
You must not visit on the pretense of 'updating records'. Check the electoral roll for up to date ownership information.
Notice has also been served to my local congregation located in the area of ________________________________________________________.
I shall hold you both severally and jointly liable for any infratction of this notice to 'cease and desist'.
You have been warned!