Susan Rice is racist
Not only her but the whole Obama administration was racist.
One overlooked factor, all the supposed blacks in power during the Obama administration were vanilla color, please look for one in the Clarence Thomas model.
what can we make of this?
rice is on record being a racist and lying about benghazi, now this?
Susan Rice is racist
Not only her but the whole Obama administration was racist.
One overlooked factor, all the supposed blacks in power during the Obama administration were vanilla color, please look for one in the Clarence Thomas model.
what can we make of this?
rice is on record being a racist and lying about benghazi, now this?
“The notion, which some people are trying to suggest, that by asking for the identity of the American person is the same is leaking it — that’s completely false,” Rice said. “There is no equivalence between so-called unmasking and leaking.”
“I don’t solicit reports,” Rice said Tuesday. “They're giving it to me, if I read it, and I think that in order for me to understand, is it significant or not so significant, I need to know who the ‘U.S. Person’ is, I can make that request.”
what can we make of this?
rice is on record being a racist and lying about benghazi, now this?
I dispute the Wikipedia narrative and state that the prosecutor was unethical and twisted information in order to railroad him.
At any rate I want to keep the thread on Susan Rice and not Scooter Libby so for that purposes, yes Scooter Libby was a crook.
what can we make of this?
rice is on record being a racist and lying about benghazi, now this?
She has been lying openly about any knowledge of this.
Scooter Libby convicted for forgetting about a conversation with a deceased journalist?
If you are a Democrat being in Government gives you a Corsican patent.
what can we make of this?
rice is on record being a racist and lying about benghazi, now this?
All of this need to know stuff, after covering for someone who sealed his records going back to kindergarten.
I wonder what they did during the Romney campaign.
what can we make of this?
rice is on record being a racist and lying about benghazi, now this?
I put this down yesterday, got 6 dislikes and by today that is exactly the main stream media reaction.
Susan Rice is married to Ian Cameron, an ABC producer.
What do you expect?
what can we make of this?
rice is on record being a racist and lying about benghazi, now this?
Nothing to see here.
yes, i too have wondered how an assembly that is held in a fully paid for assembly hall, with no food service, could possibly have $10,000 in expenses.
i suppose the bethel speakers have transportation expenses - maybe $1000 or so.
as for rent on the assembly hall, well you have already paid for it once, why pay again?
Juan: add to the profits from those huge conventions the sale of the new releases...
“we don’t celebrate holidays because god doesn’t approve of any celebration that is rooted in pagan customs and manmade traditions.” (see here for a similar jw response.).
if you were once an ex-jw like me, you have probably said something like this out in field service to someone who asked the question: why don’t you people celebrate holidays?
as the witnesses' official website states in an faq about not celebrating easter:.
I am sorry my friend but I can't understand your reaction, if you can't have an intelligent exchange and listen to a different point of view, then you are acting like a hardcore JW. Don't worry about a hijacking of your thread I am done.
Sayonara and sorry if I aggravated you.
“we don’t celebrate holidays because god doesn’t approve of any celebration that is rooted in pagan customs and manmade traditions.” (see here for a similar jw response.).
if you were once an ex-jw like me, you have probably said something like this out in field service to someone who asked the question: why don’t you people celebrate holidays?
as the witnesses' official website states in an faq about not celebrating easter:.
Let me clarify that I am not defending anything, I am just trying to set the record straight as to JW beliefs. The outline of the Memorial talk shows that the JW version is that the Memorial is a separate celebration than the Passover and that it was instituted after that celebration; this is the direct quote:
Jesus instituted the Memorial of his death with those with whom he made a covenant for his heavenly Kingdom, the members of which are limited to 144,000 (Lu 22:28-30)
Once a year on the anniversary date.
This would also be consistent with the fact that the Lord’s Evening
Meal was instituted on the date of the Jewish Passover, a yearly celebration that no longer had to be kept by Jews who had become Christians. Reasoning page 268
Going by your bullet 1 it seems that you agree with the idea that the Memorial as observed by the JW was a separate arrangement:
1. The Memorial/Lord's Supper/Eucharist was indeed instituted by Jesus.