never a jw
"I view Columbus in the same light as Lewis and Clark"
I guess we agree after all.
Just up to a point, what Columbus did was way, way bigger and with less resources than Lewis and Clark.
christopher columbus could be next on the monuments chopping block.. the 76-foot structure honoring the explorer at columbus circle should be among the statues reviewed by the city for potential purging, city council speaker melissa mark-viverito said on monday..
if this goes on, these people are just validating what the orange one said, where will it stop?
how will people 200 years from now look back on us?
never a jw
"I view Columbus in the same light as Lewis and Clark"
I guess we agree after all.
Just up to a point, what Columbus did was way, way bigger and with less resources than Lewis and Clark.
christopher columbus could be next on the monuments chopping block.. the 76-foot structure honoring the explorer at columbus circle should be among the statues reviewed by the city for potential purging, city council speaker melissa mark-viverito said on monday..
if this goes on, these people are just validating what the orange one said, where will it stop?
how will people 200 years from now look back on us?
never a jw
"maybe 'a brave and skilful explorer' deserves a monument?"
Why not, a little one. But Columbus Day? That's a whole different story that needs revising.
This is an interesting point, the same people that are tearing down Columbus, fought very hard to get an MLK national holiday.
Please, be honest and tell me which one of the two made more significant contributions for mankind.
christopher columbus could be next on the monuments chopping block.. the 76-foot structure honoring the explorer at columbus circle should be among the statues reviewed by the city for potential purging, city council speaker melissa mark-viverito said on monday..
if this goes on, these people are just validating what the orange one said, where will it stop?
how will people 200 years from now look back on us?
I think that I was very clear as to mentioning Columbus as an explorer and nothing else. The freedoms that came out were related to social changes influenced by advanced European thinkers and the will of the natives here to try a system of Government different to the traditional Europeans Monarchies.
I view Columbus in the same light as Lewis and Clark.
I keep saying you can't put the toothpaste back in the tube.
christopher columbus could be next on the monuments chopping block.. the 76-foot structure honoring the explorer at columbus circle should be among the statues reviewed by the city for potential purging, city council speaker melissa mark-viverito said on monday..
if this goes on, these people are just validating what the orange one said, where will it stop?
how will people 200 years from now look back on us?
Columbus merit is the same as that of many other brave explorers of whom most people never heard.
I myself have never considered Columbus as a Saint or Reformer, just as an explorer that by accident got to some new lands. The fact that he was the first one is what makes him notable; too bad for the other explorers that have been ignored.
All of them had one thing in common, ambition and greed. None of them including Columbus was example of human rights, as a matter of fact very few humans are.
Even today, what is the real purpose of space exploration?
$$$$$$$ and Power
christopher columbus could be next on the monuments chopping block.. the 76-foot structure honoring the explorer at columbus circle should be among the statues reviewed by the city for potential purging, city council speaker melissa mark-viverito said on monday..
if this goes on, these people are just validating what the orange one said, where will it stop?
how will people 200 years from now look back on us?
He made no contributions to make the world a better place. Instead he opened the door to the destruction and exploitation of humans by other humans. Not necessarily his fault.
I think that all of us, had on a way or another benefited from the discoveries, this Continent eventually became quite different from the European ancestors and in some respects I think that it has produced most of the rights and liberties associated with modern society.
The savagery and domination of the natives was no different that the Biblical tales about Israel and the Canaanites.
We have to put things in perspective and just think at the alternatives, at any rate we can't change history.
christopher columbus could be next on the monuments chopping block.. the 76-foot structure honoring the explorer at columbus circle should be among the statues reviewed by the city for potential purging, city council speaker melissa mark-viverito said on monday..
if this goes on, these people are just validating what the orange one said, where will it stop?
how will people 200 years from now look back on us?
The Orpheum Theatre Group decided not to include the 1939 movie about a plantation in the Civil War-era South in its 2018 Summer Movie Series after feedback from patrons following the last screening Aug. 11.
christopher columbus could be next on the monuments chopping block.. the 76-foot structure honoring the explorer at columbus circle should be among the statues reviewed by the city for potential purging, city council speaker melissa mark-viverito said on monday..
if this goes on, these people are just validating what the orange one said, where will it stop?
how will people 200 years from now look back on us?
I don't think that when Nikki Haley did that you envisioned the implications that her action was going to bring, same as the people pushing this matter. they don't realize that this is a giant snowball that is going to wreck this country apart.
christopher columbus could be next on the monuments chopping block.. the 76-foot structure honoring the explorer at columbus circle should be among the statues reviewed by the city for potential purging, city council speaker melissa mark-viverito said on monday..
if this goes on, these people are just validating what the orange one said, where will it stop?
how will people 200 years from now look back on us?
This is a very common occurrence in Latin American countries with the political changes, however the removal of names and statues applies mostly to contemporary figures and not older historical ones.
Surprisingly the person that started the whole movement of symbols removal here is Nikky Haley, the current ONU Ambassador as SC Governor.
COLUMBIA, S.C. — Gov. Nikki R. Haley called on Monday for South Carolina to do what just a week ago seemed politically impossible — remove the Confederate battle flag from its perch in front of the State House building here. She argued that a symbol long revered by many Southerners was for some, after the church massacre in Charleston, a “deeply offensive symbol of a brutally offensive past.”
isn't it unbelievable that a jehovah's witness must accept whatever the organization says or they can be disfellowshipped??
unless they tell you that their understanding has changed, you cannot believe anything unless they say it's ok. .
many years ago i questioned them about their ridiculous view that whenever the word "heart" was mentioned, it was a literal blood filled organ.
A very rare position that goes against they teach:
*** w88 4/1 pp. 30-31 Is Obedience Always Proper? ***
Jehovah does not expect us to show blind credulity. He does not want from us the kind of obedience that a trainer gets from a beast with a bridle or a whip. That is why he told David: “Do not make yourselves like a horse or mule without understanding, whose spiritedness is to be curbed even by bridle or halter.” (Psalm 32:9) Rather, Jehovah has endowed us with thinking ability and discernment so that, based on understanding, we can choose to obey him.
when you were an active member in the jwland, did you expect to receive any kind of help from a brother/sister, but they did not help you?
when i was in the jwland, i expected and was my belief that any brother/sister will help you in time of need, distress or trouble, because we were part of a "lovely organization".
but countless of times when i needed and asked for help, nobody from the org helped me.
The only time when a concerted effort is made to provide help is when the elders get involved, the flock will never act by themselves; when the elders kind of make a push then you will see a whole bunch of people getting on with the program and showing their cooperation and obedience.