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JoinedPosts by ÁrbolesdeArabia
Russia in COLOR, circa 1910
by compound complex ini just received this in the mail: i've never seen color photographs from pre-wwi .... .
Who Run's JWFacts?
by ÁrbolesdeArabia in.
thank's for the new word "eisegesis", while reading your article on jesus christ's mediatorship between mankind and the annointed (now governing body) 144,000.. you content is very good as you present your case with valuable insights without attacking witnesses as "morons, idiots, cult" or like some other agencies do!
Paul your site is beyond wonderful!
I found the old letter to the UK Guardian and compared it to the Watchtower's spin on their United Nations connection, do they ever accept responsiblity for their errors?
The blame alway's falls on the mythical "a few zealous followers" for everything (1914, 1925, 1975), the strangest blame I read was their assumption Jesus Christ was angry they left out information from Rutherford's (Fred Franz's work?) of one of their "Finished Mystery Volumes". dealing with the imprisonment of the Drinking Judge and his bar-maids.
We can't call them the Borg, it's wrong because the collective worked for the "whole", Star Trek's whole took responsiblity for their drones actions. Not the case with the Watchtower, fast to deny any responsiblity for their leadership, shit is thrown on their drone bees! In Nature, the Drone bees don't have much a life either, first to starve, fight and die while the Queen of the Hive run's and hides to another location (Patterson Farms). With Star Trek's Borg, they developed quickly to the attacks launched against them, this data was shared with the drones that enabled them to develop a resistance against weapons used against the Borg. No sharing takes place with the drones at WT HeadQ, drones easily replaced! I hope this make's sense to Trekkies!
"Emergency KM School?"
by Kensho insorry if this is a dbl.
post.. talking to an elder yesterday, he stated he was going to km school next week and that it was an "emergency" km school being held all over the country and that all the circuits had to purchase projectors for the school.....but he couldn't say anything else (secret society bs)little does he know the details can be found here on jwn.. any undercover elders know what this is about?.
The friends hear the word "Emergency" and their minds spin like a Vegas Slot Machine! I hate how Witnesses think fellow Witnesses have special insights in to the mind of Jehovah God.
Perhaps at the "Emergency Kingdom School" they could introduct Witnesses to Jesus Christ of the Nazarenes? Witneses are fearful of Jesus Christ because he offers them freedom they wish to hand over to men.
Four years ago do you remember when elders were traveling to Bethel to receive the Holy Spirit from the Governing Body? The first two brothers to go walked around like Bantam Roosters, bragging of the special priveldge of hearing secret insights about Jehovah.
The Kingdom Schools were a failure, almost everyone who went to those schools does not practice what the Society admonished them to do!
Megan and Candace Casualties of Known Molesters
by Dogpatch inwritten by barbara anderson wednesday, 07 november 2012 00:05. in most child sexual abuse cases the abuser is someone the child knows and trusts relatives, neighbors, coaches, teachers, ministers.
and, incredibly, in too many of these cases, the abuse was preventable because the abuser was known by others to have molested before, but that fact was not known to those who could have protected the child.. .
in 1994, both megan and candace were sexually abused and megan died at the hands of convicted pedophile, jesse timmendequas, who was a known child molester.
I pray Jehovah's Witnesses are told the truth about who is a pedophile in their congregations, our Org has pushed out victims and allowed predators to slander them. The Watchtower by keeping men in positions because of their rules might be their down fall!
Randy, how are you feeling after your bike incident? I was thinking about you as I saw some guy ride down the street and a car almost hit him. I thought, "damm, that guy could have been slammed into the ground!" and your story came to my mind. I hope you are doing better and deal with the pain, may Jesus bless you! Randy, I had someone ask me if you still believe in God, they found your "Free Minds" but missed your "mission statement" or anything that indicates what your beliefs are.
Who Run's JWFacts?
by ÁrbolesdeArabia in.
thank's for the new word "eisegesis", while reading your article on jesus christ's mediatorship between mankind and the annointed (now governing body) 144,000.. you content is very good as you present your case with valuable insights without attacking witnesses as "morons, idiots, cult" or like some other agencies do!
Thank's for the new word "eisegesis", while reading your article on Jesus Christ's mediatorship between mankind and the annointed (now Governing Body) 144,000.
You content is very good as you present your case with valuable insights without attacking Witnesses as "Morons, Idiots, Cult" or like some other agencies do! Cheerio!
How Do You Respond When JWs Say There Is MORE Growth Than Ever Before?
by minimus ini hear that comment from my mom that there are more baptisms, more magazines placed, more of everything!
(a sign of jah's blessing)..
You can't say anything to anyone who is unwilling to think, the Organization offers beat-up individuals a chance to feel normal among people with higher educations, more wealthy, and a higher social status.
My country is sick
by sabastious inthis is a melancholy day for me.
over the past few years i have been studying american politics and have enjoyed learning perspectives from different ideologies.
i personally lean towards conservative values when it comes to creating legislature, however i am socially liberal.
NC, BizzyBee and other social progressives, how can you tolerate the mad rantings of the White Racists, "Women stay at home barefoot, naked and pregnant" Republicons and their rhetoric?
Did you see the Arkansas Judge who road his horse to the polls in great pomp and fanfare? Rick Perry, Rick Santariums are no longer going to win the Presidential Office, racists, pseudo-Bible thumping fake christians are the party of the past. Two miles from my house a redneck as a sign in front of his house "Put the White back in the White House" with his Confederate Flag. He has written to the editor complaining of the hate phone calls, hate mail, and tagging on his property. Why are Americans so intolerate of radical T-bagger racists?
As Professional Cuddler, Jackie Samuel, 29, Charges $260 A Day To Sleep With Her
by Scott77 inthis is right from rochester,new york, the birthplace of kodak photo company.
read full story on this link.she can make $260 a day and cuddles with up to 30 men a week - including pensioners and war veterans.. .
I saw a story like that on "E" two months ago, how sad people are lonely.
The Man Who Saved the World - October 27, 1962 (bet U never heard of him)
by fulltimestudent inoctober 27, 1962. a soviet submarine was being bombed with depth charges by us warships who had detected the submarines presence in waters off cuba.. in the emergency the soviet submarine captain ordered a torpedo attack on the american warships.
problem was, the torpedo's were fitted with nuclear warheads.
the submarine could not contact moscow for authorisation.
FS: your right, his name is not common in United States history books and yet he saved the World! TY for the great info, keep up the good work with your higher learning.
The Man Who Saved the World - October 27, 1962 (bet U never heard of him)
by fulltimestudent inoctober 27, 1962. a soviet submarine was being bombed with depth charges by us warships who had detected the submarines presence in waters off cuba.. in the emergency the soviet submarine captain ordered a torpedo attack on the american warships.
problem was, the torpedo's were fitted with nuclear warheads.
the submarine could not contact moscow for authorisation.
FS: your right, his name is not common in United States history books and yet he saved the World! TY for the great info, keep up the good work with your higher learning.