Paul your site is beyond wonderful!
I found the old letter to the UK Guardian and compared it to the Watchtower's spin on their United Nations connection, do they ever accept responsiblity for their errors?
The blame alway's falls on the mythical "a few zealous followers" for everything (1914, 1925, 1975), the strangest blame I read was their assumption Jesus Christ was angry they left out information from Rutherford's (Fred Franz's work?) of one of their "Finished Mystery Volumes". dealing with the imprisonment of the Drinking Judge and his bar-maids.
We can't call them the Borg, it's wrong because the collective worked for the "whole", Star Trek's whole took responsiblity for their drones actions. Not the case with the Watchtower, fast to deny any responsiblity for their leadership, shit is thrown on their drone bees! In Nature, the Drone bees don't have much a life either, first to starve, fight and die while the Queen of the Hive run's and hides to another location (Patterson Farms). With Star Trek's Borg, they developed quickly to the attacks launched against them, this data was shared with the drones that enabled them to develop a resistance against weapons used against the Borg. No sharing takes place with the drones at WT HeadQ, drones easily replaced! I hope this make's sense to Trekkies!