Reread "Crisis of Conscience" pages 60-100 again, glad David loves the ideas early GB members wanted but were told "No, you are not the faithful and discrete slave, only the President is!" Glad this Organization had men who need it, where else are they going to go? Leave and have no source of income or retirement, either agree or end up scared like many COs without homes who worry what the future will hold for them!
JoinedPosts by ÁrbolesdeArabia
What I think about the "We just love this idea" of David Splane
by Gorbatchov inthe video about the annual meeting contains david splane saying "we just love this idea", when talking about the adjusted fds doctrine.
"we just love this idea"????
when it becomes one of the fundament teachings of the organisational part of a religion, the rank-and-file witnesses are expected to be convinced about these kind of doctrines.
Share your photo, only if you don't have any problem with it.
by wolfman85 ini like to share my picture with you and that you share yours with me.
but only if that does not represent any problem to you.
here is mine.
Poppers I will one day upload my photos of riding in Fruita Colorada, Bryce Canyon, Sedonna, and the Kamakazee downhill ride Sierra Nevada Mountains (full gear, body armor and motocross helmet hitting speeds of 55mph while my brakes were burning!)
Three years ago we did a run to Flaggstaff Arizon (elevation 9000 if you hike your bike to the top of the mountain :))) before heading to Fruita and riding on the Grand Canyon Gorge. Fat Tire has a brewery there too, a great mountain bike mecca!
The trails in Marin and Mendocino, and Modoc counties are bitchen!
"Papa Johns CEO Threatens To Make His Pizza Taste Worse Than It Already Does If Obamacare Not Repealed"
by FlyingHighNow inthis is so brilliant:.
papa johns will not back down to the big government stronghold trying to suffocate the fortune of ceo john schnatter.
Papa John's has one of the best records of revenue and EPS growth in the fast food industry over the last ten, no 16 years!!!!!! He has no reason to blame Obama, how can he complain about a marginal cost increase into the mix? If you back MCD's dividend back into MCD's shareprice, PZZA has crushed it's competition and Indices.
Head to "Google Fiance or Yahoo Finance" and plug in PZZA and compare the returns on PZZA to the DIA or QQQQ, Pappa John's is up
over MCD over the fifteen year chart. Pappa John's has outperform the Dow and Nasdaq by 600% to 800% since 1994, why is Pappa John's crying when they have been raising analysts estimates year after year?
Elders Douchbag Awards!
by Unbrainwashed publisher1 inwould like to start a thread awarding douchbag elders in every kingdom hall.
not for the poor souls who are mentally trapped in org and serv.
for the greater good of the flock.. but those elders who you somehow never see in service yet pioneers?
FA, this man has destroyeed more people's lives with his eagerness to sabotage anyone he preceives as a threat to his position or future of the next "Sub CO" he probably will acheive. He has the brains of a fourth grader with reading and writing, arrogant, loves to screw with orphans and widows and believes there are not victims, just loser's who gave up on God's Spirit Organization!
The scripture of "not to be in a hurry to badness" or "don't rush to others with a bad report", he get's a hard on making others feel like shit. He pry's information out of weak men and women and brings them back to the elder room for private reproof unless they can deliver another heavy hitter's head on a platter, he looks the other way in lieu of bigger fish to fry!
Man Paid $15,000 For Mitt Romney/Ryan Facial Tatoo!
by ÁrbolesdeArabia in .
how much would it cost for you to get a tatoo of mitt romney or obama on your face?
this guys made his $15,000, been on late night tv and anderson cooper, fame and money for a silly act.. .
How much would it cost for you to get a tatoo of Mitt Romney or Obama on your face? This guys made his $15,000, been on late night TV and Anderson Cooper, fame and money for a silly act.
ABC News "Eric Hartsburg posted the eBay listing in August, and told ABC News that he was paid $15,000 by a Republican eBay user, who preferred to remain anonymous, to get the Romney logo permanently inked on the side of his head. Hartsburg, who is an Indiana native, told ABC News that he agreed because the tattoo was something that he could live with."
"Papa Johns CEO Threatens To Make His Pizza Taste Worse Than It Already Does If Obamacare Not Repealed"
by FlyingHighNow inthis is so brilliant:.
papa johns will not back down to the big government stronghold trying to suffocate the fortune of ceo john schnatter.
Let's get Bloomberg on the case, he got rid of Giant Gallon Jugs of Soda?
"Warning the Surgeon General has adviced eating Pappa Mc Scrooges Pizza will give you the "runs", please take your afford health card with you and receive a 25% discount off your Pizza and ER visit!
Did Mitten's really say Obama bought the Latino vote, I am looking for my check right now and can't find it. I think the DNC might have my address mixed up, cause I can't find that money he paid for my vote!
If YOU Said 10 Years Ago That The Faithful Slave Only Consisted Of The Governing Body--What Would've Happened?
by minimus inif you said c.t.
russell was never even part of the "slave class", what would happen to you?.
if you said the anointed on earth shouldn't even consider that they were part of the "slave", would you be considered an "apostate"??
Nothing would have happened, it's what's been the unspoken language of the Society, the annointed were only given "token mention" or it was the Governing Body (the tail) wagging the Annointed (Dog) we accepted long ago?
Ray's "Tail wagging the Dog analogy" The Three Presidents were like the Dogs (Balls), The Governing Body the Dog's (Tail) and the annointed were the Dog's (Body) the whole time. This analogy is badly thought out, kind of like the new light?
Anyone Gluten Intolerant?
by jemba ini recently found myself on a gluten free diet and have never felt better, finally my health problems are solved, pity all those prayers to jeehooha didnt help me when i needed it.. now i am finding myself occasionally accidently 'glutened' and remember how crap i felt before.
just another wonderful discovery ive made since getting out of the borg.. how have you found being on a gluten free diet and being gluten intolerant?.
I smoke medical Cannabis, this helps my mild gluten intolerance.
George Washington U has a great "gastro book" on gluten intolerance, some with very bad cases almost starve to death (Celiac Syndome).
Six screens program
by stuckinamovement inso for the first time i dialed in.
rick fearon....what a joke.
he sounds like a new jersey 3rd grade retard with tourette syndrome trying to play the role of pt barnum.
Who is Rick Fearon and what do the "Six Screens" stand for? I second the motion for somebody in the know to let us know!
Six Screens are for 666? Is Rick the "E-Watchman I've heard about?
Elders Douchbag Awards!
by Unbrainwashed publisher1 inwould like to start a thread awarding douchbag elders in every kingdom hall.
not for the poor souls who are mentally trapped in org and serv.
for the greater good of the flock.. but those elders who you somehow never see in service yet pioneers?
My vote goes for the elder who said "Jehovah would never allow a pedophile to become a elder, so either the victim is a liar or the action was not a great sin. Jehovah keeps his Halls clean, pedophiles are not here!" 1st Class DoucheBag!