My husband lived with his family all his life.. and guess what? he moved me into his moms house
I want to hang myself- seriously I do
did you know of any jw's that still live at home?
i knew a guy who was about in his 30's back in 2005 who still lived at home.. do you know of any?.
My husband lived with his family all his life.. and guess what? he moved me into his moms house
I want to hang myself- seriously I do
hi all, i'm new but have read an awful lot here plus jwfacts and jwsurvey over the past months, also the coc book.. i'm not a jw (and never will be) but have a wife who is a 'want-to-be' jw.
this is quite a challenge for me as i already had an idea on some of the points jws stick to, but now with everything i have learned about the high-control methods, the changing doctrines, and the cover-ups, it's a real concern.... anyway, i was putting forward the notion that jw's don't help anyone in disaster zones, except jws, or by giving out wt tracts or magazines (which would be really useful to homeless, hungry and cold families).
she didn't know, and doubted it, so i told her to ask an elder if the wt provides assistance at all anywhere.. she reported back that the elder said the wt does contribute to the red cross.
From my experience this is NOT true.
When I was a senior in high school back in 2001, I headed up a fundraiser in my high school for 9/11 relief funds. I raised a couple thousand dollars in 3 days. I then took the money to the red cross to donate. We had a piece in the paper for our good deeds. Well the next meeting I get called into a elders meeting because I A. was running a seperate fundraiser from the WTBS B. donating to the red cross which has a cross in its name therefore its part of babylon the great and c. The red cross promotes blood transfusions and thats where all the donated money was going to, people geting blood transfusions.
In hindsight that should have been a warning sign. I was 17, didn't know any better. What pisses me off is that these elders acted as if it was my money. It was money donated by high school kids and teachers. Yes I thought of it, organized it, and collected, but I was in the business department class and did fbla, this is what I am good at, organzing and running the show. i felt so bad about 9/11 that I thought this is the least I could do to help those in New York, PA, and DC. I wasn't aware at that time that the JW's expect their "followers" to only help their own by donating to the society. If there were witnesses affected by the tragedy, what are the odds they actually recieved monetary support from our donations? probally zero
every now and then i check statistics for my 607-related articles.
recently, someone has searched for "vat 4956 watchtower", so i went to google to see where my site comes up in the page ranking.. the first entry in the search results is a reference to the watchtower online library, with a reference to their 2011 attempt at defending their doctrine.. and immediately below it is a link to my rebuttal of the same article.
some other actual google searches people have made to get to my site where my pages are in the first page of google's results:.
I need 15 cents
so, my mother in law who is still active went out in service with the group that had the co visit and came back with some very interesting news.
first off, she knows that we are fading and is ok with it and has some doubts herself.
anyhow, she said that the co went off track during the meeting before service and mentioned how we are now allowed to receive up to 33% of blood in a transfusion.
@ WASBLIND.. I know that sounds moronic, but what I mean by that is the Awake usually is a lighter piece that lightly touches on the bible. The Watchtower, in my opinion, is what deals more with doctrines and the societys propoganda.
please forgive me if you consider this to be presumptuous, i know i am an ultra-newbie here.
but, i see a lot of threads on jwn that read something like, "what is your dog's name" or "where's your favorite vacation spot", "what's your special name for your spouse", etc.
i give the opening posters of these threads the benefit of the doubt that they are creating them simply for entertainment purposes.
I've thought about this before. what if? Thats how I know when to stop taking hits off my bong.
so last night the wife is working, the kids are getting ready for bed and i'm watching futurama.
doorbell rings.
now it's dark, snowing and i live on a back road, so it's very odd to have a visitor.
I had an elder and his wife stop by our apartment one day. We werent home, so they went and knocked on every door in the complex asking people where we were. btw, this is when we were still active and not awake. So, someone in the complex had given them my cell number. We get a call from sister elder and she wanted to know where we were, they had taken the time to stop by our place to chat and they wanted to know how far away we were so we could drop whatever it was we were doing and come to our place right away for a chat. Well, considering these people have never called to set this up, we were not going to leave our beach picnic and drive the hour back home just so they can chat about something. They feel so entitled. They are were the kind of power elder couple that we all hate.
so, my mother in law who is still active went out in service with the group that had the co visit and came back with some very interesting news.
first off, she knows that we are fading and is ok with it and has some doubts herself.
anyhow, she said that the co went off track during the meeting before service and mentioned how we are now allowed to receive up to 33% of blood in a transfusion.
yea.. i guess I havent seen that. Kinda weird they would put it in an awake though. what magazine is it in, id like to look at it
so, my mother in law who is still active went out in service with the group that had the co visit and came back with some very interesting news.
first off, she knows that we are fading and is ok with it and has some doubts herself.
anyhow, she said that the co went off track during the meeting before service and mentioned how we are now allowed to receive up to 33% of blood in a transfusion.
" As for the various fractions derived from those components and products that contain such fractions, the bible does not comment on these therefore, each Witness makes his own decision on such matters________August Awake 2006 page 11-12
most of the WT'S TEACHINGS arent found in the bible.
so, my mother in law who is still active went out in service with the group that had the co visit and came back with some very interesting news.
first off, she knows that we are fading and is ok with it and has some doubts herself.
anyhow, she said that the co went off track during the meeting before service and mentioned how we are now allowed to receive up to 33% of blood in a transfusion.
seems to me most "changed doctrined" has been by mouth nowadays. Making it official in a magazine would open up a whole can of worms, but if all the do's and CO's start mentioning these things, other witnesses start jumping on the band wagon. Like with this new light, has there been any watchtower article about it? I dont think there has, but the co's and do's have had parts at the meetings and assemblys about it. They change things slowly so its less noticeable.
So- I think this is completely possible, they have done crazier shit
i have a question.
to most of you, this will seem elementary, and you'd think that after twenty months or so on this forum i'd know the answer, but i don't.
in this thread.
satan controls in
sidenote- I dont actually believe in god nor satan. But if they did exist, i'd believe this theory.