JoinedPosts by hildebrando
Where does the settlement money come from?
by wifibandit inis there more info on which funds go to pay settlements?
is khaa the main one?.
Where does the settlement money come from?
by wifibandit inis there more info on which funds go to pay settlements?
is khaa the main one?.
wifibandit, it would be honest to write the source of where you got the information:
Official letter (English, Spanish):
Letter Re: JW Broadcasting
by pixel inre: jw broadcasting.
dear brothers:.
we are writing to inform you of an exciting initiative that was announced on october 4,.
Pics of letter in English and Spanish:
Is the AGM today?
by hamsterbait inanybody going or who can give us the noolite hot from the gb a$$?.
*** w65 9/1 pp. 531-532 pars. 25-29 Jehovah Blesses the Putting of His Kingdom First ***
25 Then there are those who serve full time in the field ministry, known as pioneers. Among this number are some 7,900 who devote 150 hours or more each month to the field ministry and who are free to serve wherever they are needed and who receive financial assistance so that they can devote so much of their time to their ministry, either as missionaries or as special pioneers. Among the many joys these have is serving in foreign lands or serving where there is no organized congregation, literally pioneering, even as the apostle Paul did, or else aiding weak congregations, in addition to their field ministry.—2 Cor. 10:16.
26 The great majority of full-time ministers, however, are pioneer ministers, upward of 35,000, who devote each month some one hundred hours or more to the ministry and at the same time usually provide for themselves by part-time work or by taking care of their family duties, as in the case of housewives that serve as pioneers. Many are their blessings as they daily go from house to house, make return visits and conduct home Bible studies, train less experienced ones and discharge their obligations to the local congregation, often as overseers or one of the ministerial assistants.—Phil. 1:1.
27 Still another blessed privilege that ever more Witnesses are seeing their privilege to take advantage of is the vacation pioneer ministry by means of which part-time ministers can experience the joys and blessings of the full-time ministry for one or for several months. Its minimum requirements are one’s having been an active baptized minister for six months and being able to devote fifty hours to preaching in two weeks and twenty-five hours more for the remaining two weeks of a month. Most vacation pioneers devote a hundred hours in preaching, much of it from house to house.
28 Not a few have taken advantage of this provision while engaged in secular work eight hours a day five days a week. However, it is a privilege that is especially recommended for those still going to school when they have their vacations, for housewives, seasonal and retired workers; all who can see their way clear to thus ‘buy out the opportune time for themselves.’ Some have taken advantage of it during a temporary layoff or when they are rendered idle because of a strike. Many have also seen their privilege to take advantage of this ministry when the traveling representative of the Society, the circuit minister, visited their congregation.
29 In April 1965, there were 25,448 of such vacation pioneers enrolled in the United States alone. Such added activity, putting God’s interests first in their lives, worked to the good of all. Many of those who have served as vacation pioneers have ever after been able to do more in the ministry, as one such minister who previously had averaged 9.6 hours monthly increased his average hours to 21; and, in particular, has the quality of their ministry improved. Then again, others, as a result of serving as vacation pioneers, have seen their privilege to become regular full-time pioneer ministers. It has also been an easy step for youths who served as vacation pioneers during their school years to enter the full-time ministry upon completing their schooling.
can anyone verify the new "basic pioneer" rumor?
by Chris Tann inso it's rumored started by one member that there is a new pioneer rank called basic pioneer, announced at annual meeting.
can anyone verify this is true?
everything else presented at the meeting has been verified except this.
Where is the confirmation? Prove it!
On what basis you distrust on some topics and not in others?
can anyone verify the new "basic pioneer" rumor?
by Chris Tann inso it's rumored started by one member that there is a new pioneer rank called basic pioneer, announced at annual meeting.
can anyone verify this is true?
everything else presented at the meeting has been verified except this.
millie210, and confirmation about "doctrinal changes to interpretation of “Gog of Magog”"???
Is the AGM today?
by hamsterbait inanybody going or who can give us the noolite hot from the gb a$$?.
Basic Pioneer
Sent ~ 4 hours ago From Chris Tann To hildebrando Title Basic Pioneer Message Ok, did you make up that Basic Pioneer thing? There is no confirmation on it. Let's be for real now "Highlights:
Yeartext for 2015 – Psalm 106:1
New song book with 15 more songs <<< link to leaked songs >>>
Pocket version of Revised New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures (see photo below)
Doctrinal changes to interpretation of “Gog of Magog” to governments today and not “nations” after Armageddon
New class of pioneers to be introduced (10 hours per month)
Starting January 2015 a new part on the service meeting entitled “How Do You Know The Truth” will replace local needs, in which approved members of the congregation will be invited to share their experiences
TV network-style news service called “JW Broadcasting” is to be introduced via tv.jw.org which will feature on demand news videos and regular talks from members of the Governing Body of Jehovah’s Witnesses"
Chris Tann, are you happy now?
Is the AGM today?
by hamsterbait inanybody going or who can give us the noolite hot from the gb a$$?.
Is the AGM today?
by hamsterbait inanybody going or who can give us the noolite hot from the gb a$$?.
Excuse my bad English News updated on my blog: