Posts by gda
What Are The Possibilities That The FBI Is Investigating The Watchtower Corporation Because Of All Child Molestation And Scandle
by Brokeback Watchtower ini was just reading this news clip about a mayor from my home town of waterbury, ct how was given a 37 year sentence for raping to minor girls.
the fed were watching him " trying to determine whether giordano was taking bribes from a mafia building contractor, fbi agents learned he was systematically raping the 9- and 11-year old daughter and niece of a prostitute in his office in the city hall.".
The FBI is part of drug and pedophilia trafficking. -
Care Home Exclusively for JW's "Inadequate" and "Unsafe".
by snugglebunny inthe home:
the independent report:
cna/caregiver 27 years
the state board needs a calling for "shut it down"
anybody working there want to file a complaint?
Hypothetical question. There is no more guns on our streets, would the crime rate go down?
by James Mixon init would eliminate drive by's (gangs).
bank robbery.
( handing the bank teller a note, this is stick up without a gun).
I live in Arizona. I'm a middle aged woman. It's an open carry state.
One night after my work shift a sleeze ball thought he'd sneak up on me on my way to the car. I heard him approaching and as I turned he saw what I was packing first and before he gave another thought he was off and running. I love my gun.
I found the WTBTS 990-T's Income Tax Returns for 2010-2013, and it shows their book value of all their assets
by LevelThePlayingField inthere are two sources online to get these pdfs. lists 2010-2013 ( i would prefer this link because it's the most up to date). lists 2010-2012. book value of all assets at end of year: (can be found on the 990-t for on top left on 1st page).
i hope they crash and burn -
Gerrit Losch Hypocritical: "Let Your Light Shine" Talk Given After His Refusal To Let His Light Shine Before Caesar In A Court Room
by Brokeback Watchtower inlosch's refusal to appear in court when subpeona'd to give testimony before a judge over his involvement in child abuse cover up and endangerment lawsuit .
i think such conduct should take away his freeness of speech and label him as a supreme hypocrite for giving such a talk about letting one light shine when he seems to be afraid to let his light shine in a court of law.
this man's hypocrisy knows no limits, and is extremely shameful.
this subject will always be a #1 topic for me. I will never get over this one for sure. I could talk about it all day every day. really I could -
"the Kingdom work is expanding at an accelerated pace"
by Londo111 inif recent intel is true, there is only a .23% increase worldwide in 2015. .
notice what is increasing is not the average publisher count, according to the above watchtower quote to spin the bethel downsizing, but the work.
"the little one will become a thousand and the small one a mighty nation.
I refuse to believe there is any increase -
who wants to play with this?
by gda in
Another great video of someone waking up!!! Using our "thinking mind"
by Olivia Wilde ini love the fact what he said about reading crises of conscious: if you read that book as a jw and still think the wt has the truth, something is wrong with you....the song played at the end is simply classic and very appropriate.
fantastic vid
I gotta ask,... Is the org gonna fade from itself and just take what money that is left and run?
by gda ini just can't shake this odd thought...
but it would be the easiest way to be rid of them.