I just googled 'dinosaurs never existed' and found this gem. Hard to believe people could be this stupid.
According to the Bible, the world was created approximately 6000 years ago - unless time is measured significantly different than it is today. Yet when reading scientific journals we can read about dinosaurs becoming extinct about 65 million years ago after having existed for about 165 million years prior to that. The numbers never quite add up; in fact, they are not even close.
When God created man, He knew that we would be inquisitive, resourceful and creative. God knew that we would always strive to be bigger and better, and to hunger for knowledge and understanding. He also knew that we would need to face challenges to grow and survive in this world. So God created the world we live in with dilemmas, mysteries, and challenges for us to ponder and explore.
To this end, is it not possible that God created the Earth with all the fossils in place making it appear as if the Earth had been here for much longer that the 6000 years that the Bible documents. God could have even created fossil records that would lead some to believe that man had indeed descended from apes. In fact, on August 8, 2012, a new article was published entitled, ‘New human species identified from Kenya fossils’ that spoke about fossil records in Africa indicating that at least three distinct species of humans co-existed in Africa at the same time, two million years ago.
Dinosaur Extinction - Could an asteriod strike have caused the flood?
God could have created an earth that appeared aged to not only challenge our minds, but also to test our faith. The Bible documents many times where man’s faith is challenged by even greater things than a theory such as this. This is only one theory, but it is as possible as the Earth being millions of years old and the dinosaurs being wiped out by an asteroid strike, or any other number of theories you can read about.
In fact everything falls into place for the believer and the scientist. In this scenario, there are fossils that appear to have existed millions of years ago on an earth that is a mere 6000 years old. That would be quite an achievement if everyone had it right all along! Something to think about.