Anthony Morris III calls it "brain cleaned". He says it's a good thing.
He also says it is offensive when people say JWs don't think. He says that JWs do think, they just don't think independently..... Mmmmmmmm.
have you ever heard a jw say, after someone calls them brain washed, that: "well, my brain needs a good washing???".
share your account & experiences.
Anthony Morris III calls it "brain cleaned". He says it's a good thing.
He also says it is offensive when people say JWs don't think. He says that JWs do think, they just don't think independently..... Mmmmmmmm.
i got to thinking about all the strange interpretations in the old revelation climax book now that i have perused it again on pdf.
(thanks atlantis!).
does anyone care to toss in their two cents on what are the most outrageous and/or ridiculous claims in it?.
Hey I love the silly threads. And what could be sillier than this book. Revelation, It's Grand Climax Pathetic Specualtion At Hand!
It's hard to pick one gem out of such a treasure trove.
Also, wasn't there something about locusts being JWs preaching or something, or something with stingers annoying everyone meant to be JWs? Or Awakes or something? I remember I doodled in the margins through most of the book studies of this.
Yes that is right, you can't make this crap up. Even the Theocrapic Misery School was part of prophetic fulfillment to aid the stinging message. It's on page 153 if you have the stomach for it.
Talk about mentally diseased.
so my wife showed me her instagram and one of her friends posted a picture of herself and a couple other pioneers with the title "20 hours in so far on our 24 hour day of service!
" mind you they were all sitting in starbucks.
this just made me want to scream!!
nope, I have a life.
first time i ever heard anyone say there was 'proof' of noah's flood.. very interesting,.
showed a trawler, where the team dredges regularly in the north sea - for animal bones, massive land animal bones, mammoths.. he said, originally, the bones were sent for analysis, and the dr stated, they were proof of noah's flood.. the north sea area was a land mass of dry grazing lands.
and it was very similar to africa.. many bones were found in london, of lions, hippos, etc ... when they were digging out the underground.. .
Hang on hang on, let's go back. Forget carbon dating, forget the water canopy or the ancient Jewish view of the firmament. Forget archaeology.
The wooden box that the 600 hundred year old man built, contained all the life that was to be preserved. That was the idea of this giant wooden box. Any life outside of this box (let's just assume it floated no problem and wasn't destroyed in the deluge itself) perished. Gone forever.
So the rain stops, or the canopy is fully collapsed or the water under the earths surface stops spewing out of the ground, whichever way we want imagine it, and the water recedes.
Now we have one box on top of mountain that contains all the diverse range of life that this planet is now home to. One tiny little wooden box.
Have I missed something? I may have skipped important details, and I am not talking about important details that only further disprove this ancient story.
Fill me in on the blanks please, because there are many and they are quite sizable. I am sorry, but this whole story just seems wacky to me.
first time i ever heard anyone say there was 'proof' of noah's flood.. very interesting,.
showed a trawler, where the team dredges regularly in the north sea - for animal bones, massive land animal bones, mammoths.. he said, originally, the bones were sent for analysis, and the dr stated, they were proof of noah's flood.. the north sea area was a land mass of dry grazing lands.
and it was very similar to africa.. many bones were found in london, of lions, hippos, etc ... when they were digging out the underground.. .
Wow. Some of the comments on this thread are special.
A huge wooden box, is built by a man who is hundreds of years old. He fills this box with every kind of living thing that exists on this planet.
Let's just ignore the fact that this impossible before we mention the insane amount of water that this box was constructed in preparation for.
We are talking rain so heavy that it would more likely kill everything on this earth rather than anyone drown. Even the magical box that the ancient old man put together in his spare time would be obliterated in seconds by the deluge required to flood the entire earth 40 days.
The evidence for any of this happening is non existent.
I am honestly intrigued by anyone who has given the global flood subject as recorded in the bible some thought, and can still beleive it possible. It would seem to me as probably the most easily disproven myth of the bible.
The global flood is far more easily dismissed than arguments for intelligent design, or even other bible miracles.
I am not an atheist, but the whole global flood story is just extremely ludicrous.
since my family is out of town, and i am alone this weekend, i have decided to attend this once to see these things for myself.
have no fear, i have absolutely no interest in joining.
my goal is simply to better understand how to reach those who are on the inside, and i feel i could better do that by observing it.
That video Cantleave posted is so close to experiencing a real JW meeting it is incredible.
The part in the first song where it changes and they all speed up was freaking hilarious, you would have to have been a JW and know this song to appreciate this. And then, the chairman with his slightly awkward manner and the constant little gaffs he makes.
And every JW knows that feeling when they introduce the Public speaker from a visiting congregation, and up wanders a 70 something year old brother, who can't even get through his opening sentence without referring to his notes, and you then think to yourself we are in for a long morning.
The WT study was spot on also. Little kid blurts out a two word answer at a thousand decibels, and then others take it turns at covering the paragraph virtually word for word.
Have fun at the meeting, take a flask of Vodka and enjoy the show.
it was six hours long.
at the beginning of the week i had four accusers and by the time i went (half way throught the week) i was up to twelve.
i was charged with apostasy, malicous slander, lying, revileing.
It's exhausting just reading that. I feel for you.
This is what happens when you don't do things Jehovah's way.
i'm a practicing jw.
finally decided to create an account to see whether you could all help me.. so i am engaged to this wonderful wonderful man and in three months time we'll be married.
Step 1. Research the JW religion.
Step 2. Leave the JW religion.
Step 3. Enjoy life without the guilt and superstitious bullshit.
so about 8 years ago, we had a local needs talk about dents an scratches !!!!
it was given by the cobe and this guy was just your normal everyday elder.
except he had his occasional pet peeves... like (you guessed it) dents and scratches on some of the brothers' vehicles.
Would it be appropriate for the brother at the conclusion of the local needs talk, to pray for the funds that would be required for the needed repairs, in order to more fully glorify Gods name and give an effective witness? Does this all come under the issue of universal sovereignty? I think it should.