Many believers are angry with God are you?
You can't be serious.
yesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
Many believers are angry with God are you?
You can't be serious.
i do not think god is a'morphic.
god is not human, so hence he does not possess human characteristics, to know god better and to understand him better i study science.
there has been a new discovery of strange signals picked up from black holes and distant supernovae suggest there's more to space-time than einstein believed.
I would go back to 2006 and undo the events that led to my now 7 year old boy having severe brain damage.
i do not think god is a'morphic.
god is not human, so hence he does not possess human characteristics, to know god better and to understand him better i study science.
there has been a new discovery of strange signals picked up from black holes and distant supernovae suggest there's more to space-time than einstein believed.
Time travel, supernovae, black holes...... Revelation 21:4????!!!!!!
Science is so far removed from that ancient book of bronze age myths, it is beyond me how you mesh it all into one topic.
This might be as fun as the 'why does chemistry prove god is real" thread.
God is an ever-receding pocket of scientific ignorance.
Edited to add: 3 more question marks and 6 exclamation marks.
sin in the flesh that causes this flesh to get sick and die.
Luckily, we have real science and medicine available to us. Imagine a world run by this idiocy.
yesterday evening my wife and i were invited to friends house for new year's eve.
we met them when i was a christian and we have kept in touch.
they had a few other friends there as well, including the new church pastor and his wife.
God is indifferent to human suffering, but it proves nothing about the double slit experiment and Shrodingers cat. God exists, he is just heartless. Kate xx
Fine. Let humanity get on with their lives and completely ignore this worthless piece of sxxx. What a fxxxed up mind that disgusting, vile monster must have as he ignores the suffering that goes on. That bastard should never be mentioned or thought of.
Like has been said, if god exists, existing is all he does.
[Edited for language guideline 3 - jgnat]
check this out.. .
Is this for real?
"This facility has been provided solely for the convenience of Indian citizens who desire to support our work. It should not be seen as soliciting of funds in any way."
Why would anyone think a website created for soliciting of funds, be viewed as a web site for soliciting of funds?....
Satan and his demons obviously. What other reasonable explanation could there be?
I am pretty sure I remember a comparison of Satan and the Demons with UFOs and aliens in an Awake mag. The celebrated Watchtower scholars did a tremendous job of highlighting the freakish similarities.
The similarities are undeniable. Case closed.
yep, the 2014 yearbook is available now folks.
have fun!
You are not a false prophet or a liar.
Let's just call it "misplaced expectations", "past truths", "formerly cherished views", or my favourite WT expression, "cherished errors".
when i believed in god i tried not to pray for anything selfish.. after a while i began to think that a lot of things i was asking my imaginary friend in the sky for were selfish for some reason.. i do not ever remember a single thing i prayed for ever being answered.
if there was the appearance of an answer it was because i did mental gymnastics to make it fit the delusion that god had actually answered me.
there was never an obvious message/answer from god.
Anyone been hit by the spirit
I hit the spirit. I guess you could say I am full of the spirit. It feels good
I just gotta make sure my kids don't rape me now like poor Lot.
end results can determine worth of anything!
(mathew 11:19) by this simple criterion, scientists and religions are not very reliable.
it contains both gods word and mans word.
Sounds like bullshit if you ask me.