Posts by 2+2=5
The pyramids and rutherford.......
by atomant inlve been researching the early days of the jw"s and found some very damning information which needs to be discussed at length.according to my research it is claimed that early founders used the pyramids to work out important biblical dates that are now dates set in stone according to the beliefs of the sect and can not be changed as it would rock the very foundation upon which their beliefs are built.l was hoping for somone with a precise understanding to please elaborate whether this is true or not.
Hi atomant, good luck debating doctrine with JWs. I would love to join you, but I have organised a chess tournament against pigeons. -
I recognise that old bastard in the photo. He's a perverted shoe maker who goes door to door trying to manipulate folk into wearing his shitty shoes.
You Are All Pieces of Garbage
by berrygerry inalthough tomo's human hotdogs was as low as an alleged human could verbally go, tomo's fear-mongering was not an official video.. i'm wagering that the feb 2016 video will be pulled or adjusted.. what do you think, trash?.
The leaders have aimed their guns at their feet and fired them off. -
It's Too Late to Return to Jehovah!
by naazira inyes friends it is too late for most of you to return to jehovah's org.
based on the new garlic bread parable in this month's broadcast with the illustration using loaves of bread.
it is obvious that the doors of the arc has been closed shut by jehovah's hand for some of us.. according to the new parable that can be found on jw tv.
Double post has dual fulfilment's -
It's Too Late to Return to Jehovah!
by naazira inyes friends it is too late for most of you to return to jehovah's org.
based on the new garlic bread parable in this month's broadcast with the illustration using loaves of bread.
it is obvious that the doors of the arc has been closed shut by jehovah's hand for some of us.. according to the new parable that can be found on jw tv.
Give them enough rope....
Yes. I loathe and despise everyone of those disgraceful beings especially their horrible little children. I will smite them all and wipe them away in my sarcastic font.
Silly questions........
another hello from Cleveland area
by 08out inlurker since 2008 when i walked out as an elder ,had all the politics i could take ,noticed a few from my area so i finally joined
Welcome to the circus.
Kinda Sad Re: Cart "Witnessing"
by Captain Schmideo2 inslightly redacted for privacy of those involved.. so, this is "park witnessing" in oklahoma.. the parks in this community are basically walking trails and some tatty playground equipment.
most of the time, sparsely used, and today was a very blustery day.. notice the justifying comment- "quite a few" checking out the cart.
i am sure they were..... .
JWs are loving this new cart witnessing from what I have heard.
Head down to the waterfront, set up your cart, find a comfy seat and wait for two hours.
Repeat this at weekly intervals and receive everlasting life and many fruit platters.
Do People Have Spirits? What Do the Early Texts Say?
by Cold Steel infor years adventist sects, including the jws, have believed that the dead sleep at death and remain non-existent until the resurrection.
its strongest argument seems to be text in the non-escchatological book of ecclesiastes in the old testament.
although a part of the canon of scripture, the book is not written by a prophet, nor is there any prophecy or recognizable doctrine contained therein.
We are just playing and pretending Jeffro, stop spoiling it with reality. -
What Should the Minimum Wage Be (USA)?
by Village Idiot induring the gop debates donald trump said that american’s “wages [are] too high” and later said “that having a low minimum wage is not a bad thing for this country” (7:25)..
do you agree and if so why?.
my two cents on this issue; do the math.
Reminds me of the words from a famous poet.
"So this life is sacrificed, to a strangers bottom line"