MacDonalds in Australia also run a charity called Ronald McDonald House. They have entire facilities built so that family's with sick children have somewhere to stay right near the hospital, It is a really great thing.
Posts by 2+2=5
September Is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
by azor inplease donate.
whether it's your time, money, or influence.
the donation box at mcdonalds does go to an amazing charity.
What the??
meeting with elders about WT involvement in UN
by LevelThePlayingField ini still go to the meetings because of my in wife and it came about that the elders knew of my pissed off attitude about the society getting involved in the un.
so the elders said they could help me get over that and wanted to meet with me.
now just to let you know, i have only told my wife and her mom so far about it, that's it.
I had a meeting with the elders that went much the same way.
Addressed absolutely none of my concerns, answered no questions and refused to even look at information I tried to present them. One elder turned over a paper I handed him and refused to even look at it, sighting possible apostate sources as the cause for his hysterical reaction to the a4 page.
I was warned not be critical of Gods org (I was suggesting that 607-1914 was in error), and given numerous WT articles that dealt with doubts and being critical of the Org.
The whole meeting played out exactly like many on this site said it would, the same way these visits always do. I was asked if I still believed that Jehovah is directing the org and using the slave as his channel on earth today.
I replied, "Yes, of course I do". Bold faced lie. That meeting was the nail in the coffin. They confirmed that they were all batshit crazy and I left.
My Favouite Inappropriate Watchtower Pictures
by pale.emperor ini'd love to see you're favorite wt illustrations/photo's that they think are fine to print - but are actually kind of creepy/wierd.. .
here's my three fave from my book of bible stories (yes, a book for children!)..
man gets his head nailed into the floor with a tent pin by a good jehovah worshipper:.
I can vividly recall almost every illustration from the My Book of Bible Porn.
How harmfull is raising a child on that shit. It's playing Russian roulette with a child's mental health.
Caption Competition
by Tallon in.
"my dear girl, there are some things that just aren't done, such as drinking dom perignon '53 above the temperature of 38 degrees fahrenheit.".
over to you ....
"Ohhh yeah.... a little to the left...ahhhhh..."
JWs accused of pressuring Syrian refugees in Northern Greece to convert - so far, 40 have converted
by AndersonsInfo ini just received the following link to a video where some claim that jws are pressuring syrian refugees in northern greece to convert.
fyi, i tried to locate the date of the video, but couldn't, so don't know if it is recent or not.
In the case of Islamic extremism, JW's could be a chemo for that cancer. Convert from a religion that has a potential to turn people into violent extremist to JW. Then the next step is learning TTATT. Then they are home free.
Brilliant idea, those ISIS warlords would make wonderful elders.
Andre, a former Isis warlord, tells us how he went from beheading infidels to standing behind a cart.
August 12, 2016 BOE Re: Obtaining Video Equipment for Displaying Spiritual Programs
by wifibandit inaugust 12, 2016 to all bodies of elders in the united states branch territory re: obtaining video equipment for displaying spiritual programs.
Without knowing that info, I can't really say if the congregations are getting hosed on those price tags.
Well, I'll make a gut call. We are talking about the WTS, so I'd say it's odds on the sheeple will be getting screwed. The OT God likes to mix it up from time to time, when he's done with the killing he becomes 'Jehovah of Price Gouging'.
Pure speculation, I'm sure they won't benefit financially. After all, they are just a good Ol' fashion religion.
Evolution Gap - Where's the Fur? Redux
by shadow ini am posting a second topic on this subject since the first one became overrun by snakes.. cofty posted a link to a published paper discussing this topic and referred to the information in it as "facts".
here is my summary of that paper along with comments on it.. one of the opening statements says that:.
two frequently debated aspects of hominin evolution are the development of upright bipedal stance and reduction in body hair.. so for those who believe this is a stupid topic, it is a subject of interest to many stupid people including the authors of the paper referred to by cofty.
Even if every scientist on earth was scratching their bald heads and muttering that they don't have a clue why humans lost their body hair it would not impact the fact of evolution one iota.
I know, I am having a hard time following the logic. I am thinking because logic has been omitted from this one.
What if hairless humans can't be explained.
Does this mean....Jesus is real?? Buddha or Allah maybe?
Seems like a god of the gaps argument. Creationist who promote their God using this fallacy still have done nothing and offered no evidence for their beliefs. All of their work is still ahead of them.
Evolution Gap - Where's the Fur? Redux
by shadow ini am posting a second topic on this subject since the first one became overrun by snakes.. cofty posted a link to a published paper discussing this topic and referred to the information in it as "facts".
here is my summary of that paper along with comments on it.. one of the opening statements says that:.
two frequently debated aspects of hominin evolution are the development of upright bipedal stance and reduction in body hair.. so for those who believe this is a stupid topic, it is a subject of interest to many stupid people including the authors of the paper referred to by cofty.
Ssssorry. Sssnake man is back.
Once creation is ruled out then all sorts of flights of imagination can occur.
The irony in this comment is astounding. Creation myths have never allowed for flights of imagination.
[Generic evolution vs. creation thread]
by sir82 into save us all a lot of time and effort..... [some complex structure in living organisms described].
[i can't imagine how this could be the product of evolution].
[therefore god created it].
I love my kids incredibly and there is no way such a special bond can be explained by science. It's God.
Even if it can be explained by science, I won't be listening, I am still going to say God because I have a strong emotional connection to my beliefs.