You are the making the assertions FFS! Arguing about Holy Spirit??
None of that shit is real man get a grip.
can you send me the quote where the watchtower said that the word includes the book vindication?
thanks a bunch!.
.. the quote is in the 1932 watchtower, april 1, pg.101, par.
You are the making the assertions FFS! Arguing about Holy Spirit??
None of that shit is real man get a grip.
genghis khan: the leader of an empire twice the size of alexander the greats greek empire and four times that of the roman empire.
stretching from china to russia.
brutal and yet also revolutionary in its law making and society.
so now that most of us have come to a semi truthful understanding that the witnesses are wrong about evolutionist, there is a certain question that i have always had.
now if you were to ask any jw, they'd recite a complete fallacy from scientist regarding this.
but what is you guys input of this.
Holy shit. The ignorance is astonishing.
Your example of the stomach ulcer being poor science was really pathetic.... unless you are being satirical with us One_day
hey i was just wondering if you guys had any ideas on how to keep my brain occupied while i'm at an assembly tommorow.
maybe besides tallying the number of times they say jehovah and jesus or counting how many people are wearing red.
i want to keep myself from going insane or having some kind of panic attack lol.
Get yourself a little notepad and keep tally on how many times you hear bullshit.
You may need multiple note pads.
so now that most of us have come to a semi truthful understanding that the witnesses are wrong about evolutionist, there is a certain question that i have always had.
now if you were to ask any jw, they'd recite a complete fallacy from scientist regarding this.
but what is you guys input of this.
Assumptions? It's called science, you should debunk it and collect a Nobel prize
I think you and Caupon should consider a free home bible study....
pdf .
this issue contains the study articles for february 29 to april 3, 2016.. what about the number of those partaking at the memorial?12, 13. why should we not worry about the number of those who eat the bread and drink the wine at the memorial?12 in recent years, we have seen an increase in the number of those partaking at the memorial of christs death.
that trend contrasts with the decrease in the number of partakers that we saw for many decades.
what is a cult and what is a religion?
its open to debate.
who has the authority to say for certain what is a cult and what is a religion?
I get it, I just couldn't be bothered discussing it.
I got the sense you were trying to defend the WT, and make former JWs out as bitter. That's of course not what you are doing.....
My own mother doesn't talk to me or her grandkids. Familiar story for those involved in the high control, manipulative JW cult.
what is a cult and what is a religion?
its open to debate.
who has the authority to say for certain what is a cult and what is a religion?
The JW religion isn't a benign little sect. It's an insidious and damaging cult that destroys family's, to put it lightly
who do you believe jesus is?
is he superior to micheal the angel?
bible verses.
from what i've read, platelet and red blood cell levels are usually severely lowered during traditional treatment for this type of cancer.
is this correct?
and if so, are platelets and red blood cells now part of the watch tower approved fractions?
Cannabis can really help increase the quality of life for the severely and terminally ill, I have seen it work.
It is a massive injustice the way that plant has been maligned. It could be given to thousands of kids who suffer from cerebral palsy in exchange for a cocktail of other meds that have severe and lasting side effects, meds that would also prove fatal if given in higher doses.
I work with a JW and have heard from him recently about a couple of JWs who passed away after rejecting the conventional treatment for certain cancers in exchange for some quack idea.