Living without Islam. Ahhh sounds so nice. Let's all say it together.
In fact all the ancient desert god's can get fucked and so can religion altogether.
I haven't read this thread yet, ( I spend most of my time posting on what's become the "In my Pants thread"), but I am sure I am not the first to express their disdain for religion.
We should have educated ourselves out of religion by 2015 as a species, it's embarrassing. It makes me sadder than Jehovah in Sparlock costume. That's some serious sads.
I just don't get the faithful zealot type. No logic or reason behind any of the shit they spout, it's just pure escrement which is polished to a high sheen and given a shiny coating. It's only when it reaches the highest level of lustre that we can call it real faith. Ahh yes faith. Mmmm