Smoking is the go Hoser, it is much more likely you over do it and 'green out' by consuming edibles.
Take one good toke on a spliff, and see how that feels.
as a good jw i never smoked a joint or nibbled on some brownies.
Smoking is the go Hoser, it is much more likely you over do it and 'green out' by consuming edibles.
Take one good toke on a spliff, and see how that feels.
so i'm reading the book "the atheist book of bible stories" and something just occurred to me.. noahs ark rested on the top of mount ararat.
how the hell did all the land animals, dinosaurs and other monsters get to ground level?
did noah and his family just push them off the mountain and hope for the best?
But we know that if Jehovah didn't drown the world like that we never would have got rainbows!
Drown the bad people, rainbows for everyone..... seems like a sweet deal
bummer news, another amazing music talent and rock legend leaves us.... shockwaves were felt through hollywood and the rock community when news hit that scott weiland, frontman of the stone temple pilots, was found dead in his tour bus in minnesota..
That's a shame. Core was one of the first albums I bought as a teenager. Awesome bass player in that band really liked his style.
this person did a great job putting this together... i am disgusted with wt policies & them acting both judge & jurywatch "noonespecial - rapists - jw" on .
That is a damning video.
Can you imagine the amount of sexually perverted sickness that is festering away in this rancid organisation? It is a scary thought.
They have crafted their own rules and procedures that allows rapists to have a good standing in the congregation. And child sex abusers.
For real.
carrefour inaugurates the first anti-jihadist arch in spain.
carrefour inaugura el primer arco antiyihadistas de espana .
Muslims are pretty strict on that shit.
"Allah will smite all those who find pleasure in smoked Ham"
Quran 73:26
say your prayers, little dub,and be sure you brush off...all the things you hear of.. if you wont, if you dont,youll be easy prey,when the apostate he comes.. out there, cruelly waging his sneaky tight-pants crusade.... be afraid... hell invade...thats his plan...the apostate boogeyman!.
xsomethings wrong, shades of gray,its been there all day,but you stay anyway..... full of lies, full of greed,mentally diseased,and hes probably gay.... helping in satans kitchen, cooking your faith away (wait, what?)....
dont wimp out... stifle doubt...thwart his plan... the apostate boogeyman!.
i am jehovah's witness, despite some of the questionable teachings, crimes, and other outlandish behaviors of specific people affiliated with the religion.
i know that my relationship with jehovah is not influenced by any outside factors.
i do not condone any crime.
Wow! Over 180 replies on the Jehovah's supporters thread!!
Jehovah's blessing surely is on this site!
"sometimes i think the only thing i could do that wouldn't upset someone would be to kill myself.".
those were the frustrated words of my friend as we stood out in his large yard in the country, just about to enjoy a nice bonfire on a beautiful night.
what was it that could have been a lesser evil than killing himself?
Thanks for sharing your story bro.
I am also about to turn 31, although its no longer 2008, and I often feel like I am at the end of my rope so to speak.
Perhaps I will feel the need to tell my story in 2022.
which i think is great, since as witnesses we never displayed any political inclinations.. but whilst political alligence means we are taking on new values, we are once again subject to trusting what the leaders say, and subject to propaganda from the media.. personally i see the irony of this situation, and must confess to being very skeptical, about supporting any political party.
in fact i am glad as a witness i abstained from voting, because i believe history has shown the vote that would have shaped my conscience would have been misplaced.. anyway how convinced are you of your new political views?.
the rebel..
i wondered why i felt so fatigued over many years from hearing the same things again and again at the meetings.
even the scriptures become too familiar.
a few days ago i quickly read through all the gospels and realised i knew all the verses in detail.
The constant reminders are needed all though mind numbingly repetitive. Just think about a world where people neglected the very foundation of Gods commandments.....
Imagine all the bowing down to false Gods, the countless hours spent carving out graven images while screaming out blasphemy. To top it all off all these hideous crimes could take place on the sabbath day!!!.