Posts by 2+2=5
Are Magicians Spawns of Satan the Devil?
by Cold Steel ini was perusing the internet not long ago and came upon this series of videos by a guy calling himself xendrius.
it declares that many of today's best magicians are in league with the devil.
his claims are based on his observation that the tricks would be impossible to do unless the magicians had made unholy pacts with the devil.. so what's the take of the wtbts?
I'm sorry, are you saying that large commercial airliners are unable to fly without Satan's assistance? -
A change of pace...I'm leaving
by cappytan ini'm leaving.... leaving this video here since issues have been far too polarizing lately!.
lighten up, take a deep breath, and have a laugh.
Cats are ok -
Wish me good luck...
by FadeToBlack inomg.
i have the entire service group coming over for dinner on sunday.
i don't mind when my wife has a couple over that are cool, but with more than 2 or 3 extra people in my house i get nervous.
I will probably start drinking beer after lunch before they arrive.
Better make it hard liquor.
Is going into a church really THAT bad?
by Zana infamily background: my wife ("liberal" jw), me (ubm), two children aged 5 and 2.
(want more details?
Satan hangs out in Churches with all his demon pals.
Jehovah and the Angels keep it real at the KH.
Experiment Demonstrates Prosocial Behaviour in Dogs
by cofty inreally cool experiment from austria has shown that dogs will share treats with other dogs at personal cost but do so more generously to dogs they know.. it is further evidence that altruism is not confined to humans.. source....
I just know my Rottweiler would cook me dinner if he could. -
Good books to read?
by thedepressedsoul ini read crisis on the conscience and i am about to start, "who wrote the bible?
does anyone have a list or great books to read for anyone searching for the real truth?
i've only ever seen the world through a jw lens and i am excited to see what other view points are out there!
Slimboy is anti-facts.
The universe exists, but does it really exist?
If you like dark humour, with an atheist twist, this will make you bust a gut. The Book of Job, by DarkMatter2525
by talesin inmy room mate just introduced me to the darkmatter2525 channel on youtube.
hilarity ensued.
enjoy .
Mr Deity, the one on suffering is a classic. -
Morning all! Just here to say hi and join in the discussion
by park ave boy ini'm happy to join every ex-jw.borg site i can and support in whatever way i can.
i now regularly donate to these sites when available.
i'm bitter but i don't hate jws because they were brainwashed like we all were.
Hi there and welcome.
In regards to the child abuse thing. I live in Australia, full JW family and I work with JWs.
These people are conditioned to take ANY criticism of their religion extremely seriously.
If it is the government doing the denouncing, and worldly media reporting it......... there is an abundance of room for Satan the Devil to get involved, in the mind of a JW.
It is the truth after all, and Gods Organisation, and the best way of life, and where else would you go?, and the end is so close.........
Good books to read?
by thedepressedsoul ini read crisis on the conscience and i am about to start, "who wrote the bible?
does anyone have a list or great books to read for anyone searching for the real truth?
i've only ever seen the world through a jw lens and i am excited to see what other view points are out there!
Probably because of my childish ways, I do enjoy reading Sam Harris.
The Koran might be worth a look, quite a few million people are finding refreshing truths therein.
OK friends lets be honest, if a Nuclear Holocaust took place today how many of you would return to the KH?
by James Mixon inspeaking for my self, no way in hell.. this question to see if you really have been deprogramed,.
do you 100% believe it is not the truth.. a fourth of the world hit by a nuclear attack..
Not unless they had tea and biscuits on offer at the book study again.