I love my wife and it's not just becuase she is smokin hot.
When I was researching and waking up she was getting very concerned. I was reading 'apostate' stuff from the moment I woke til the second I fell asleep. Questioning everything and not relenting unless I was compelled to believe something by weight of evidence.
The elders came to meet with my wife and myself to try and help alleviate some concerns and strengthen our faith and resolve. Instead, by offering no evidence and no compelling reasoning, they made it easier for my wife to accept everything that I had been talking to her about. This elders call was an important step in my wife admitting that the religion was shit. They only advice they could give me was, "don't be critical of God's org... avoid apostate lies", and ofcourse this advice was given with a few WT article references.
Anyways, long story short, I'm out and she's out, and we are raising our young children free from harmful superstition.
Although I would have likely left my wife if she couldn't leave the JWs, I couldn't judge those who remain in a relationship with a JW. If kids are involved, it makes it leaving difficult, and there is a good chance you could struggle just as hard to find happiness away from the marriage, as you would have you had just stayed in it.