Posts by 2+2=5
What happens when Christian Entrepreneurs speak their truth?
by Kym M. inon january 29th 2016, profit with passion!
summit will bring together for 3 days some of the most dynamic and influential christian entrepreneurs, leaders and thinkers to share their testimonies of faith, business, and success in doing business, not their way, but god’s way.
be a witness to 30+ christian entrepreneurs during this free virtual summit.
I'd rather have broken glass rammed into my anus. -
Why don't people believe Facts?
by The Rebel ini have enjoyed some fascinating debates on the forum.
i have found it interesting when" facts" have been presented to support a viewpoint, yet the " facts" have then been rejected.. what does this mean?.
well the " truth" is as a dub, i was often presented with " facts" that the organisation was wrong, yet as this information challenged my belief system i convinced myself the " facts" were either completely wrong or misinterpreted, .
Some facts are not warm and fuzzy.
Everlasting bliss in the spirit realm is where I am going and I am not even prepared to consider evidence to the contrary.
*Fingers in ears*
Cut and Paste of "The List" by Prominent Bethelite of Previous Watchtower Predicted Dates
by TMS in" {watchtower sep 1 1989 12}.
" {tiah 240-1, also references in wr oct 1879 3941, tkic 84}.
'" {zions watchtower mar 1880 repr 82}.
Very stinky. -
The Irrational Psychopath Landlord
by The Marvster inwell after a few years of lots thinking, questioning everything, and deconstructing of jw logic, i keep coming up against some problems.
though i probably consider myself an agnostic nowadays, one of the conclusions i keep coming back to is, if there is a god, looking at the way nature is structured, for example the predator-prey system that is indispensible to the survival of organisms, he is unlikely to be the same loving guy that's described in the bible (could he not have come up with a more compassionate system of survival in his limitless intelligence).
then again sometimes the actions described in the bible make him look like the description in the title of this thread... jw's definitely didn't help much with their logic.
And after years of renovation and home improvements carried out by the tenants, the landlord is approaching another psychotic episode and will kill and mercilessly destroy the tenants once again. Or so goes the story of the dipshit desert God of the bible.
Any former elders brains I could pick?
by BarelyThere ini posted in another topic a few hours ago.
it is my first time on here or any website like this, ever.
i was dfed back in september for adultery.
65% of statistics are made up though. -
First time here
by BarelyThere inokay so here goes...this is my first time on here.
i'm lost and confused and am feeling very hopeless.
i was dfed in september and i am still wrapping my head around everything.
Hi and welcome.
I think Cofty, Landy and Nathan gave good advice.
There is no Armageddon coming to destroy all the non- JWs.
There is a birth and there is a death, between is life. You should try to enjoy it.
There will be many on this site who can relate to your situation.
In very similar ways, many of those who have left high-control cultish style groups will also relate to your experience. Mmmm interesting.....
Why continue to suffer??
by Tigerlove ini occasionally come on this website because i have my eyes on a particular user.
because of that, i end up reading a lot of people's post.
although very interesting and hurt breaking, a lot of them are very strange.
I love my wife and it's not just becuase she is smokin hot.
When I was researching and waking up she was getting very concerned. I was reading 'apostate' stuff from the moment I woke til the second I fell asleep. Questioning everything and not relenting unless I was compelled to believe something by weight of evidence.
The elders came to meet with my wife and myself to try and help alleviate some concerns and strengthen our faith and resolve. Instead, by offering no evidence and no compelling reasoning, they made it easier for my wife to accept everything that I had been talking to her about. This elders call was an important step in my wife admitting that the religion was shit. They only advice they could give me was, "don't be critical of God's org... avoid apostate lies", and ofcourse this advice was given with a few WT article references.
Anyways, long story short, I'm out and she's out, and we are raising our young children free from harmful superstition.
Although I would have likely left my wife if she couldn't leave the JWs, I couldn't judge those who remain in a relationship with a JW. If kids are involved, it makes it leaving difficult, and there is a good chance you could struggle just as hard to find happiness away from the marriage, as you would have you had just stayed in it.
Results of an international survey - Love, Health, Money, Power etc, what do you most want in life?
by HB insome of you might be interested in the results of a 'yougov' survey into peoples aims in life.
over 18,000 people in 17 countries were asked to think about their lives and to say which of 12 key areas they most want in life and which single one they want most overall.
Happiness would be nice. -
Who is your favourite thinker?
by The Rebel inhaving recently read orwells 1984, i was impressed with how he understood that both politicians and people abuse language.
this further confirmed to me how the w.t had deceived me by using words to distort reality.
the book 1984, also contains many other great thoughts of george orwell.. of course there have been many other great thinkers, buddah, darwin, freud, einstein and marx come to mind.
Epicurus. He was full of gems. -
Evolution is a Fact #3 - ERVs
by cofty inpart 1 - protein functional redundancy.... part 2 - dna functional redundancy.... imagine you are teacher with suspicions that some of your pupils have been copying from each other.
comparing the correct answers in all of their assignments might not provide conclusive evidence.
they could simply claim they had all carefully revised the same textbooks so it shouldn't be surprising that they all gave the same answers.
Go away Clambake the adults are trying to have a conversation.